I encounter internet connection issues only while playing video games (Tekken 8 and VRChat, GTA V online works fine). Outside the game, the internet connection is normal and stable even if it is running but the game itself have trouble connecting to the internet. In Windows 10 they work fine.
Tekken 8: slow loading speeds when internet is connected and disconnections when the match is over. Demo works fine.
VRChat: Worlds and avatars downloads are slow, they stop at a certain percentage or they don’t even start (stays at 0%).
I have tried:
Disabling the firewall
Changing to Proton Experimental, hotfix and GE Proton
Add gamemoderun %command% and HOST_LC_ALL=_.UTF-8 %command% in Launch Options
Updating packages and rebooting the computer
Changing DNS from Google’s to Cloudflare’s
TUF GAMING B550-PLUS as motherboard
Ethernet connection
RX6600 as Graphics Card
Edit: Proton’s log produced by PROTON_LOG=1 Steam.log
I installed the driver r8168-dmks (from AUR) and then r8168-lts (with linux-lts and the AUR version unistalled) but the driver in inix -N is set to N/A and there is no connection. The internet connection is back after unistalling it.