Do I now right click sda4(aka the home partition)>properties then copy what is says under “last sector”, then right click the unallocated space>new and then put those numbers in the “first sector” of this new partition and if yes then what do I put under last sector for the new partition?
Or do I just right click the unallocated space>new select file system, label, permissions and let it choose everything else automatically? Basically it would look this before I hit ok.
I ask because with the numbers it chose itself in the pic above this new partition would basically come before sda1(my /efi partition), but if I am creating a new partition shouldn’t the program put it after everything else, so after the last sector of sda4?
I’m confused…
Ahh…you don’t have an sda4. However, your EFI partition is after partition 4 and before partition 5. partition 5 is your EFI partition. So the only place it is possible to put it is before your EFI partition.
It isn’t re-ordering the partitions, it is just creating a partition inside the empty space, wherever it happens to be already.
LE: Nevermind, it seems I just had to fire up dolphin double click the new partition and input my password. Now it works and shows up in Double Commander and everything. So thank you very much again for the help @dalto
Well the partition “works” but I can’t seem to install any games with Lutris in it, it just hangs there at installing and nothing happeens on the partition. While I am investigating if it’s lutris’s fault or wine’s here is what I have in fstab @dalto
Should I edit it to make /mnt/Games have noatime and 2 at the end like the home partition has?
Oh I’m careful, that’s not the issue. The issue is now I’m confused again, as I thought I gave it every persmission under the sun when I created it.
Here is how it looked before running your command.
in your first picture if you look at the owner it says root so that means ROOT owns the device and only root can make changes to the device. The command Dalto gave you made you the owner so that USER can make changes to the device. Else you would need root permissions to do anything with the drive.