Is there a tool like pacmanmirrors -g from the Manjaro for evaluating mirrors?

I left Manjaro in 2017, so I’m completely out of touch with Arch (I used Artix for bit but left them too).

Are there any tools for checking on mirror speed & if they are up to date?

When using Artix, I had to resort to the following (instead of pacmanmirrors -g) to do the job. It is ugly. It is part of a menu driven script that I’ve just simplified greatly for EOS:

msg “Processing mirrors:”
#wget -O /etc/pacman.d/allservers >& /dev/null
#msg “Editing allservers file”
#sudo sed -i ‘s/^#Server/Server/’ /etc/pacman.d/allservers
msg “Removing comments from server lines in mirrorlist-arch-original”
sudo sed -i ‘s/^#Server/Server/’ /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch-original
msg “Running rankmirrors on mirrorlist-arch(-original)”
rankmirrors -n 6 /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch-original > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch
msg “Removing comments from server lines in mirrorlist-artix-original”
sudo sed -i ‘s/^#Server/Server/’ /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-artix-original
msg “Running rankmirrors on mirrorlist(-artix)”
rankmirrors -n 6 /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-artix-original > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
msg “Updating your pacman databases”
msg “Your mirrors have been ranked &”
msg “the mirrorlist(s) have now been refreshed.”
msg “Refreshing your pacman database:”
sudo pacman -Syy
msg “Your mirrors & package database are now synchronised.”


Try ‘Reflector’ or ‘Reflector Simple’ which I believe are both installed by default.

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Just run:

sudo reflector --protocol https --verbose --latest 25 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

I have an alias set to it just so I don’t have to type out all those options every time I run it.

alias um25="sudo reflector --protocol https --verbose --latest 25 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"
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There’s also rate-mirrors from EnOS’ repo.


I wouldn’t refresh my local database to be in sync with the latest package database available without updating the system at the same time. Failing to do so, it might lead to a partial upgrade situation, if one installs a package and thus heightened risk for breakage.

When refreshing the package database, always do a full upgrade with pacman -Syu


Just a obligatory warning, this will cause partial update problems if you install a package without updating first.

Of course, you’re a 2005 Linux veteran, way smarter than any of us here, I’m just pointing it out for anyone else who might be foolish enough to use your script without understanding what it does.

The way idiots like me do it:

rate-mirrors --protocol=https arch | sudo tee /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
sudo pacman -Syyu

Glad I asked here, you have all given me plenty to go on with.

Re. the script, that was just part of a thing that had 6 options using a variety of combinations of commands/tools.

I am so far away from being an Arch user, or any of the Arch based systems that I used after-woods that I really can’t remember that much about it. (My memory is/has also deteriorated with age I’m sorry to say.) So I’m very grateful for any good advice that comes my way as I bumble about. :wink:

I must say that running MX since 2018 was a very easy way to go. BUT it has caused me to loose a lot of Linux skills 'cause I just didn’t need to refresh them.

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Yes there are. milcheck tells me when it’s time to do a reflector.


that’s a point indeed…

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I just been looking at reflector & milcheck.

My systems automatically start a VPN after opening their respective DE/WM. I expect that the reflector run on boot systemd setting will likely run before my VPN has gone through its start process.

I could use the reflector.time & have it run once a week at a specified time or whatever, though I think I’m liking your command string way @anthony93 . I’ll make a ~/.bashrc alias similar to what you have done. & I’ll also put it in my currently being revised/simplified “Allservers” script.

milcheck is great quick test. I’m sure its very popular too, so my thanks to you too @HMS_Endeavour . :wink:



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Given our poor bandwidth, this is a must-have. Glad it helped.

I’ve put milcheck & reflector into my modified bash script. I’ll post it on the forum for anyone who is interested, as some of us find that sort of thing fun. :slight_smile:

If nothing else, it supplies a good menu system that someone who is into that sort of thing can use for whatever suits them. As it is really quite easily edited.

I won’t do it now as my EOS went down with a kernel panic that I haven’t been able to resolve (& I’m trying not to have to reinstall after spending a couple of days customising).

I couldn’t be bothered getting the script file off of that machine & posting from the rpi4 that I’m typing on at the mo’. :slight_smile:

You might want to check out my relevant script/utility, and I guess you may like it. :smiling_face:


This is nice.

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