Is Deepin useable as a daily driver nowadays?

On the website, we still have the disclaimer that Deepin isn’t recommended as a daily driver, is this still the case?

yes there is no change on the beta status, it is usable but it has a lot of BUGS not solved, without real improvements over the last time.
But to get some insides we should ask felix?

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Okay, thanks, then I will leave the disclaimer on the download page as it is.

I just started using EndeavourOS about a month ago and have been using Deepin as my daily work machine, for the whole time. It has been pretty solid. I haven’t noticed any bugs, and it hasn’t crashed or caused me any issues. I have a dell optiplex with intel chipset, so no exotic hardware. I like Deepin so far on Endeavour, it is comparable to my prior Fedora Deepin install before this.

Welcome Aboard!

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The developers are still slow to fix issues, and I had to add workarounds here and there, just like before.

The latest set of updates were put into [community-testing] for ~20 days due to upstream cmake requires both dtk 5.4 and 5.5 at the same time. I tried to ping them again and again but no visible progress were seen.

I took the path to upgrade to dtk 5.5 entirely (by sed’ing out here and there) and pushed the packages before they get rotten. The greeter still has some icon issues (upstream knows but…slow to fix, like always) but apart from that, it’s at least usable.

deepin-kwin should be used whenever it works for you. Unfortunately since they use kwin internal stuff it is very likely to break on every kwin update. Some code changes are involved so a simple rebuild may not always work, and they are slow to add fixes for new kwin. This is why I still make deepin-wm the default even it breaks changing desktop backgrounds etc…

I would recommend to keep the disclaimer, at least for now :crying_cat_face:


Thank you for the update and the great and a bit frustrating work you’re doing.


very, very good to hear from you! Even if we decided not to make DEEPIN installable directly with the ISO as a desktop. Will it be important information for one or the other;) I see also some other interesting projects growing currently looking similar to Deepin :wink:


You sir are a saint. I truly admire your intestinal fortitude.


It’s still in very early stage so I would not recommend for a daily driver. But indeed it’s interesting :smile_cat:


looking awesome already​:dizzy: