Installing this OS

I was wondering, if downloaded the ISO, and burnt iy a USB Thumb Drive, when installing does it have the option to install it beside another operating system, or does it want to use the whole disk?

Hi. Welcome to the community! :vulcan_salute: :enos_flag:

Yes, you will have the option to install alongside another OS.
You should back up any important files, if possible to an external device, prior to installing any OS.

For clarity: Are you new to Linux?


I have been using Linux Mint, since the end of support for Windows 7. New, I guess not. I do know that pop OS does not give you the chance to put it beside another OS, when you run its installer, it only gives you the option to erase and format and nothing else

As @ddnn notes above, you’ll have plenty of options as to where and how large an installation (with vs without swap file) you desire. Just pay very close attention to your choices before hitting that last confirmation button.

And as also noted, backing up is wise - has helped me wash away many tears.

I see. Call it an exception, then. Most distros allow you to do whatever you please, however you please, especially Arch-based distros.

Also, before using any distro, most times it’s better to pop it in a VM (virtual machine) to test things out first for like a month. If this is going to be your first Arch-based distro, you probably won’t have any easier experience, but being Arch-based still requires you to read as much as possible to properly maintain your installation.

There’s the EndeavourOS wiki:
And the official Arch Wiki:

All the best on your EndeavourOS! :vulcan_salute: :enos_flag:

Personally i don’t recommend installing alongside another linux distro. Linux Mint is not like an Arch based distro.

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They could do the Erik Dubois method: One distro per HDD/SSD instead of using partitions.

Then you can either make one distro control the bootloader, or use your device’s internal boot menu to select which device to look for a bootloader on.

Yes you can but i just don’t recommend it. I’ve dealt with too many users who have so many different distro’s installed and it doesn’t matter whether they are on separate drives. It’s just becomes a nightmare dealing with each type of problem that happens. Not worth the hassle. If someone wants to use Linux I recommend they use one and learn how to use and maintain it.

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Makes sense.

i am with Erik one distro per drive using F12 F8 boot once menu to switch. Using this method for a long time already. Erik does one thing smarter as of he is using a drive-bay to switch so impossible to screw up things…

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Nice. One day, I’ll have EndeavourOS, Artix, Archcraft, ArcoLinux, MxLinux, and Ubuntu Studio on a setup like that.

Archcraft and Ubuntu Studio as my daily drivers, EndeavourOS and MxLinux as failsafe OSes, and ArcoLinux and Artix for learning and testing things.

One day… :pray:

I see a VM in your future.

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I’ve tested and installed all of these at some point, both on bare metal and as VMs. Except for Artix — only VM so far.

But, I’d like to actually be able to use my device’s full potential with all, without sacrificing space or risking messing up my bootloader with every update.


QEMU basically gives me bare metal experience.

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Yeah, but there’s still the space issue.

What exactly do you mean by the space issue? Is it your disk is not large enough for a few installs, or something else?

Edit: sorry OP, didn’t mean to hijack this thread. We better discuss this elsewhere.

to the rescue :wink:


Oh, wow. Those are pretty cheap. I always thought they were expensive. I see an early Xmas present in my future. :star_struck:

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I was about to write the reasons why I can’t do it, but then I started doing some calculations… I have a 500 GB internal HDD, and even though each install could be up to 45-55 GB (if I installed all my packages on each of them, which I won’t), I would still have enough space for home directories. And I could put all extra files, media, etc. on my external HDD and SSDs.

The only things that are actually any kind of issue is that my Timeshift backups are on a separate partition, and I play Steam games, some of which are massive.

But, the MxLinux and EndeavourOS installs would be very minimal, so they’d each be about 15 GB max. Artix and ArcoLinux would fluctuate in size, while Archcraft and Ubuntu Studio would be maxed out.

Gonna have to think about this a bit more as it looks like I could actually have this setup this year as opposed to some undefined time in the future.

PS: Apologies to the OP. :sweat_smile:

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