Installing electron (17.1.0-1) breaks dependency 'electron16' required by bitwarden

Hello community,
I have this errors :

installing electron (17.1.0-1) breaks dependency 'electron16' required by bitwarden

How to solve it please?


Uninstall Bitwarden

sudo pacman -R bitwarden

Update your system with either pacman or yay

sudo pacman -Syu or yay

Then reinstall Bitwarden

sudo pacman -S bitwarden

This will fix the issue and you should be fine after this. I’ve tested and done this myself as well as a safe workaround.


Done as u suggested and updated . thanks


Just mark the post as solved so others know and you’re very welcome :slight_smile:


This message doesn’t make sense - installing electron doesn’t remove electron16, so what was the full output of the command you were running?

I wonder if I can replicate…

Edit: I can’t replicate this. I installed bitwarden (which brought in electron16), then asked pacman to install electron and it didn’t complain at all.

pacman -Si electron
Repository      : community
Name            : electron
Version         : 17.1.0-1
Description     : Build cross platform desktop apps with web technologies
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : MIT  custom
Groups          : None
Provides        : electron17
Depends On      : c-ares  ffmpeg  gtk3  libevent  libxslt  minizip  nss  re2  snappy
Optional Deps   : kde-cli-tools: file deletion support (kioclient5)
                  libappindicator-gtk3: StatusNotifierItem support
                  pipewire: WebRTC desktop sharing under Wayland
                  trash-cli: file deletion support (trash-put)
                  xdg-utils: open URLs with desktop's default (xdg-email, xdg-open)
Conflicts With  : electron17
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 54.54 MiB
Installed Size  : 182.93 MiB
Packager        : Nicola Squartini <>
Build Date      : Sun 27 Feb 2022 12:38:04 PM CET
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature

Conflicts With : electron17

Nothing about conflict with electron16 :thinking:

I had the same message as the OP.
My workaround was to uninstall Bitwarden from the community repo, then to download and install the Appimage directly from the Bitwarden website.

Can you still replicate the issue? I want to understand what’s going on here (and so report a bug if one exists).

I can confirm the problem, pre-existing bitwarden/electron16 (IIRC) causes a problem at update when updating to 17.

The only electron app I use is bitwarden, so I installed electron16 and reran the update and it went through.

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Ah, maybe that’s where the issue lies, which means I’ve been looking in the wrong place.

I mean I explicitly installed electron16, instead of “electron”.

I can also confirm uninstalling bitwarden and electron16, then reinstalling bitwarden and “electron” works as well, bit of an odd one.

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Looks like electron16 was added two days ago ( so something must have been getting confused (maybe Bitwarden was updated to use elctron16 before the electron16 package was in the repo?).

Bitwarden was using electon16 16 days ago (, so maybe electron16 was removed from the repos and then re-added, and the “conflict” happened in the time gap when it wasn’t present?

Yes, this was also my situation: with electron16 installed

I had the problem initially but it eventually sorted itself out without my intervention. Bitwarden updated and I have both electron and electron16 when I next ran yay.


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