Installation Failed: Could not unmount target system

^ Full log

2024-03-14 - 22:37:29 [2]: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("env") is still running.
2024-03-14 - 22:37:59 [1]: void Calamares::ViewManager::onInstallationFailed(const QString&, const QString&)
    ERROR: Installation failed: "Could not unmount target system." 
2024-03-14 - 22:37:59 [6]:     .. - message: "Could not unmount target system." 
2024-03-14 - 22:37:59 [6]:     .. - details: The device '/dev/sdc1' is mounted in the target system. It is mounted at '/tmp/calamares-root-s8vxclb0/efi'. The device could not be unmounted.
2024-03-14 - 22:37:59 [6]: void Calamares::ViewManager::onInstallationFailed(const QString&, const QString&)
    Calamares will quit when the dialog closes. 
2024-03-14 - 22:37:59 [6]: QML Component (default slideshow) deactivated
2024-03-14 - 22:37:59 [6]: void Config::doNotify(bool, bool)
    Notification not sent; completion: failed

It failed on the last step of the install.

It probably installed successfully. Did you try rebooting into the system?

It crashed and could not boot when using NVIDIA version
However I was doing it on a computer without NVIDIA so that could be on me
But I tried the non-NVIDIA and installed fine, just very slow
note that I’m installing on USB
Installations in all cases take 1+ hour to complete on 12 Megabytes/sec internet

installing on usb flash drives is not something we do test or support officially… it also depends highly on speed of your drive and port used… some pendrives are extremly slow on syncing data so it can indeed cause installer to not be able to properly un-mount … while it is not ready with syncing.