Install failing because of something bootloader related

i cant remember the exact wording but it was failing because of a bootloader issue.would anyone be able to help me decipher this issue? much appreciated!

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What to do if install fails or i have issues?

In case the install is not successfull, do not reboot or exit the livesession! please send us the installer log on the forum, over telegram chat or even email, we can always make great use of them to fix issues and Bugs with the installer:

You ca use the log tool from the panel and send log to pastebin (internet connection requiered).

Run the log tool with inxi and install log tagged:

And post the url it creates in this little popup window on forum, chat or send it via Email:

Provide Installer Logs (calamares ISO LiveSession):

While you are still on the ISO LiveSession logs are stored insid elivuswers home:


You can open with texteditor or from filebrowser… or send via tools (needs internet connection):

cat ~/endeavour-install.log | eos-sendlog

you can simply share the short URL it produces inside a terminal.

on installed system the log from install process is stored under:

/var/log/endeavour-install.log you can also send it but needs admin to read:

sudo cat /var/log/endeavour-install.log | eos-sendlog


I also had bootloader issues (systemd-boot) durng install of galileo iso. I am sorry but I was not able to save the error messages. Anyway, i reinstalled, this time using grub bootloader. This time the install went ok.

I was dualbooting endeavouros with my old macbookpro but the grub menu has too small font size and I had time reading the menu. Using the default, I was able to boot.

Thinking that systemd-boot would be a better choice. I converted grub to systemd-boot using the tutorial of @dalto in this forum. The resutting boot menu was better than with grub.

I am now happy with this install using endevouros-galileo iso.

BTW, I had no problems with endeavouros-cassini iso install for 3 laptops dualbooting wth windows 10 or 11. One laptop had nvidia GPU. Two have KDE offline install while the other one has online XFCE install.

Thank you endeavourOS people for making life easier for us to use arch-based DE.

welcome @boyoyoy :enos:

Bootloader issues can happen… there are endless possible ways the system can/could/would be setup installer can not solve all possible things… but without any deatail we can not do anything sadly… always try to send the installer log it is always possible as long as you can start calamares (Installer) on the LiveISO it will create a log inside liveuser home directory.

We do not track any install or log automaticlly you need to save and send or create a pastebin and share the URL.

We do always need the feedback of users special if something goes wrong, this is the main input for a better next ISO.

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