Inconsistence in EndeavourOS default offline installation on EndeavouOS Galileo

Hi. Today i’m already try and installing EndeavourOS Galileo offline installation with KDE Plasma 5.27 after installing i open the start menu to view installed program i’m noticed with “File Roller” when i attempt to uninstall via command “sudo pacman -Rns file-roller” I’m shock because i"ll uninstalled few packages including libhandy, xdg-desktop-portal-gtk, zip, and geoclue when i answer y system tray become empty including firewalld as i recall. So i installed EndeavourOS twice. You should fix them in next release.

As far i Know file-roller should installed with gnome or cinnamon, xarchiver with xfce and ark with KDE Plasma.

Not an installation / distro issue. This is user error. Read up on the various versions of -R -Rn -Rns -Rdd etc. When you ran -Rns you removed several of its dependencies as seen here:

file-roller 43.1-1

Package Actions

Architecture: x86_64
Repository: Extra
Description: Create and modify archives
Upstream URL:
License(s): GPL
Groups: gnome-extra
Maintainers: Jan Alexander Steffens
Package Size: 782.3 KB
Installed Size: 4.1 MB
Last Packager: Jan Alexander Steffens
Build Date: 2023-12-04 00:57 UTC
Signed By: Jan Alexander Steffens
Signature Date: 2023-12-04 01:10 UTC
Last Updated: 2023-12-04 01:13 UTC

Dependencies (18)

Required By (3)

Package Contents


Yeah, it seems file-roller is still on the ISO for some reason. Thanks for pointing it out, we will take a look at it.

just see the same it was in a subgroup…

general usage to uninstall in a more save way would be -Rc
And thanks for reporting i will go fix it later the day.

You can just merge this:

Thanks. Btw i’ll ask some question to you. Usage of xdg-desktop-portal-gtk and xdg-desktop-portal-kde is dependency? Because i saw in is dependency. And in kubuntu 23.10 also installed and running in the background in KDE System Monitor. So i had installed manually.

Those are dependencies for some packages, yes. However, when you install those packages, they will ask you to install one of the xdg-desktop-portal-* packages.

If you are running plasma, it is best to only install xdg-desktop-portal-kde unless some packages explicitly requires xdg-desktop-portal-gtk which would be uncommon.

Thanks for the explanation.

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