Impossible reboot after today (02-20-2025) system update

When I tried to update system with pacman, I got warnings about “icu” update :
“:: l’installation de icu (76.1-1) casse la dépendance « » requise par electron23
:: l’installation de icu (76.1-1) casse la dépendance « » requise par electron23”
Then I updated the system ignoring “icu” and rebooted.
Boot sequence stopped always at “Reached target Graphical Interface”.
After several attempts, I had to restore a Rescuezilla backup.
And now I don’t dare to update anymore.
It’s unfortunate because I would like updating Python.
What can I do ? Thanks.

Seems to be a problem with electron
maybe uninstall update then reinstall the electron app

If your scared of updates then maybe choose something that doesn’t require regular updating like Linux Mint or Fedora

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To add to the above: If you’re going to ignore warnings while updating, hoping they will resolve themselves after a reboot, think again. Arch/EndeavourOS is a DIY distro. That also means a FIY (fix it yourself).

But yes, uninstall the problematic packages, update, then reinstall the packages.

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Ahh…you mean you skipped the update on icu. That will definitely break the system, you can’t do that.

You need to boot into the TTY and update your system. Remove electron23 if you need to.

I have been working with Manjaro and EOS for several years and I have never had such a problem during updates, but it is true that I should have deleted “electron23” instead.
I did it and the update went smoothly.
Thanks everyone for your help.

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In the future, you should also occasionally do the following.

Step one will check which versions of electron you have installed (you can have multiple), and step two will check if the installed versions are required by any other packages installed on your system. If an installed version is no longer required by any other packages, uninstall it with the final step.

pacman -Q | grep -A 0 -E "electron"
pacman -Qi electron23 electron33
sudo pacman -Rs electron23

The “Required By:” section shows you if it is needed.

Name            : electron33
Version         : 33.4.1-1
Description     : Build cross platform desktop apps with web technologies
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : MIT  BSD-3-Clause
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : c-ares  gcc-libs  glibc  gtk3  libevent  libffi  libpulse
          nss  zlib  fontconfig  brotli  libjpeg-turbo
          icu  flac  libdrm  libxml2
          minizip  opus  harfbuzz
          libxslt  libpng  freetype2
Optional Deps   : kde-cli-tools: file deletion support (kioclient5)
                  pipewire: WebRTC desktop sharing under Wayland [installed]
                  qt5-base: enable Qt5 with --enable-features=AllowQt [installed]
                  gtk4: for --gtk-version=4 (GTK4 IME might work better on Wayland) [installed]
                  trash-cli: file deletion support (trash-put) [installed]
                  xdg-utils: open URLs with desktop’s default (xdg-email, xdg-open) [installed]
Required By     : bitwarden  obsidian  zettlr
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 244.93 MiB
Packager        : Caleb Maclennan <>
Build Date      : Sat 15 Feb 2025 09:04:03 AM EST
Install Date    : Sun 16 Feb 2025 02:10:33 AM EST
Install Reason  : Installed as a dependency for another package
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : Signature
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To me, the quickest route is to try & uninstall the dependency in question. Yay/pacman will tell me if I need it or not.

Agreed. But if you have a few Electron-based packages on your system, often times you end up having multiple Electron versions after they upgrade.

So, yes, what you said would fix the obvious issue, but you may still have packages that you no longer need on your system. I’ve had as many as three versions before. Two still in use, and one that could be removed. Now, it’s just the one because I no longer have Discord installed, which usually lags behind on Electron updates.

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Well, in such a case, I will hopefully get warned when some unsuccessful update occurs again, just like this one with icu, mate. :joy:

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electron23 and electron33 packages were not found and the section “Required by” is empty for electron33. Thanks for your time.

Based on your response, I’m not sure if you did this the right way. You should use step one to figure out which versions you have, then step two to figure out which versions you need.

If step one shows electron25 and electron31 for example, running pacman -Qi electron23 electron33 would not return any results. You would need to run pacman -Qi electron25 electron31 instead.

Anyway, just trying to help out. :vulcan_salute: