I think I can finally drop Windows

99% of us have no choice at work, myself included. It sucks. Personally I am very disciplined (I was not when I was a kid). I may visit a forum from time to time but all my work is work stuff. Google and Microsoft can have my work life.

Stuff I never do at work: research, read about football, banking, personal emails, news, politics, commerce like ebay etc. All that stuff I love I do in Linux, at home, with a firewall set to deny all incoming. MS and Google can not have my personal time/life.

Exception: have played youtube songs at work. that’s it. edit/spell

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Almost every job uses windows in some way. Are you independently wealthy and don’t need mone y? Do you not eat? It’s almost impossible to imagine any job without it at all. I use it and I don’t even work inside lol

What do you do that requires zero computer usage?

The tax code is open source. You can access it, copy it and even make merge requests (but the government will tell you get stuffed if you do :joy:).

I work for a law firm, not the government anyway.

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With such attitude what else do you expect…? :rofl:

@Kresimir at least sets boundaries to shift the burden to his workplace…Personally i wouldn’t do even that, but that’s a first step!


Not-there-yet, but i’m working on it :upside_down_face:


Besides, like i’ve said before, even if i couldn’t get high paying job that doesn’t care what i use or why in order to get it done in the most professional fashion (which i’ve done many times), or if i couldn’t work for myself - i’d rather work as real-life :clown_face: than use WiNdoZ.

It’s a matter of perception and your personal relationship with freedom, i don’t like to compromise with the devil.


I’m sure there’s some professions it doesn’t matter, it’s just exceedingly rare. It’s not an attitude, but a reality.

Personally I have no problem with the recurring Windows-update enforced coffee breaks

Coffee breaks that can turn into full week of days off? :rofl:

It has never been that bad tbh. They employ lots of people like Kresimir to keep the turd well polished.

Oh i’m sure @Kresimir would rather enjoy some days off instead of fixing it… :rofl:

I’m about ready to give Windows a good swift kick off the top of a skyscraper.

What has been holding me back:

  • Fear of heights, especially on windy days.
  • My investment in some commercial apps that don’t run at all on Linux or need extra steps to get running.

It’s not just the intrusive data-harvesting and things like reinstalling Skype and putting me online without my permission. Windows 10 Pro seems to have become increasingly sluggish and uninformative while it smugly and lackadaisically spins its dots during upgrades or whatever mysterious time-wasting things it does behind the scenes.

In contrast, Endeavour OS with KDE Plasma starts up pretty fast and is ready to go in much less time – even after a major update of core components.

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What are those?
Perhaps we can help with running them in wine.

Thank you for this suggestion.

I really just meant to express my increasing frustration with Windows. I had already planned to be completely rid of Windows 10 by October, 2025 (EOL for product support, i.e., “security” updates) and I’m about ready to write these apps off as a loss anyway.

I’m expecting an M.2 NVME drive today or tomorrow that would be used for Windows 10 Pro and a small number of Windows-specific apps.

Also, I should mention I’m just an occasional user of any of these apps – so there is no business crisis involved. (On a side note, it was interesting to learn that the Krita Project sees Clip Studio Paint as its primary competitor – and not GIMP, for instance.)

Would it be too much of a digression? Should I start a thread or threads in some other more suitable forum so as not to derail this one?

Anyway, here is my perhaps somewhat laughable list (I have also just asked on two other sites about DP10 and on LinuxMusicians about Mixcraft):

MOTU Digital Performer 10
Mixcraft 10 Pro

Clip Studio Paint v 1.9
ArtRage 7
Corel Painter (I think I have v 2021 or maybe v 2022)

NCSoft’s game “Blade and Soul” ← the most urgent reason :smile:

Yeah i think it’s best to just create a new topic, copy-paste all that - and i’ll try to help you, most of those i think is possible with wine, some are best to find Linux native Free & Open-Source alternative - like Krita is most definitely way to go! :upside_down_face:

And yeah whatever you do - ditch that Windoze! :brain:

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Thank you, and I agree about finding parallel Linux-native apps when possible.

As for Windows: Oh, I’ll be ditchin’ it, that’s for sure. It might be a few days before I follow up about any of these apps, though.

Would “Lounge” be appropriate for those topics, or is there a better sub-forum for running apps on WINE or Proton?

Yeah for those topics in general lounge i think is best, there’s separate one for games though

Oh and btw, read my gaming guide, not only it will help you understand how to get stuff running with wine or games in general, but even more importantly running portable wineprefixes with portable wine engines - that will save you a lot - once you get something running it will stay that way, without updates breaking it.

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Speaking as a retiree with very few deadlines now, I have a big problem with having to wait for some unknowable duration while Windows spins its dots or little blue circle while it considers actually becoming usable.

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Oh yes, I won’t tolerate it when it comes to my own personal projects and hobbies. But if my boss wants to pay me to wait for an hour for my work PC to boot, I’m fine with that.

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