I Succeeded installing, Now what?

People are genuinely trying to help you. I would ask that you please treat the community here with respect.


Please, remember that this isn’t a support desk, people is trying to understand what you want in order to help you and there’s no obligation for anyone to do so. All of we are here just because we want and none of us receive any payment at all for helping others.


I am not sure what the equivalent function would be called for a number of things. where would I go to find out this info?

The best advise I can give you then is have a good read of this
And maybe this

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it is not of any use. I dont know what the equivalent is called, so I need that.

the same person didnt answer any of my questions more than once. I would like to be treated with respect from members and administrative staff, rather than be treated as if i should automatically know what I am doing.

Now things started to make sense. Stock GNOME is different from GNOME shipped by Ubuntu and Pop. Both Ubuntu and Pop ship a number of extensions to add functionality to GNOME like

  • Icons on desktop
  • Removable drive menu
  • A permanent dock
  • System tray

Install extensions from here:

this is the equivalent to telling someone to look up a word they don’t know how to spell.

What is that word?
Tell me so I can look it up for you.


That’s what teachers always told me back when I was in school. So I did.

You know what? I can spell words excellently now.


thank you.

@dalto, am I expected to have to tolerate disrespectful people while being told to respect them?

I have not read anywhere on this thread that anyone here disrespected you. If you feel that you “need to be respected”, I sugest you show some respect. This is not Burger King! :wink:


You were using a metaphor, so I used a metaphor to answer.

Putiing in some effort pays off. This is true of almost everything in life - including Linux distros.

You have already been given the best advice: use your system, and if you encounter something specific that you want to do, ask about it. A broad question like this is impossible to answer:

No one here is a mind reader. If you don’t know what to ask, how is anyone else supposed to know?


please feel free to read more of what I have typed. I have asked several specific questions.

I would argue that, yes, it is a good practice to be tolerant and respectful regardless of the circumstance.

However, in this case, I don’t see anyone but you being disrespectful of others.


your reply is disrespectful.

This clearly isn’t going anywhere. Unfortunately, I am not sure this community can meet your expectations.

We make every effort to be friendly and welcoming to everyone who joins but it doesn’t seem like that is working in this case.