I only have 8 yay questions left

stuff I still don’t know:

my modus operandi for AUR install: hit N. Then hit N again.

the questions:
when deciding ‘diffs to show’ when would I want to use A [all]?
when deciding ‘diffs to show’ when would I want to use Ab [abort]?
when deciding ‘diffs to show’ when would I want to use I [installed]?
when deciding ‘diffs to show’ when would I want to use No [not installed]?

wait there’s more.
for ‘packages to cleanbuild’, under what circumstance would I select [A] all?
for ‘packages to cleanbuild’, under what circumstance would I select [Ab] abort?
for ‘packages to cleanbuild’, under what circumstance would I select I [installed]?
for ‘packages to cleanbuild’, under what circumstance would I select [No] not installed?

No. 9? No. 9? there is a question No. 9: Is there a danger to just hitting N and N during AUR installs?

yours in confusion, drunkenvicar

Diffs show you what changed when you update an AUR package.

Always. You should always review all the diffs.

This actually cancels the entire process so I suppose if you decide you don’t want to update after all?

This would only show the diffs for the packages you already have installed. In most cases, diffs will be most interesting for packages you have installed.

This would likely show you the entirety of the contents of those packages since in most cases there wouldn’t be anything to diff against. Practically speaking, I am not sure why you would ever choose this option.

Cleanbuilding deletes all the old work files prior to starting the process. Usually you only need to do this if something doesn’t work with the build.

In most cases you pick a single package off the list to cleanbuild. Namely, the one that failed.

If you are only installing one package and you are too lazy to press 1 :rofl:

When you are so indecisive over this question that you decide it is better to just walk away and try another day.

Ahh…these don’t seem terribly useful to me but I guess there are edge cases where you might want them?

It is pretty rare that you need to cleanbuild. However, I would argue you should always review diffs. It only takes a few seconds to do and being able to do this is one of the big advantages to using AUR.


I had always wondered this stuff. Thank you for indulging. Next time I will try to work the A into my life regarding the diffs. I am big on the knowing stuff. I don’t install any AUR without checking out code/info so A seems a natural step.
Appreciate it again. One day you should write a Linux Encyclopedia:) and an Arch book.

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