I never realized

I have been using Endeavour for maybe a year or 2, and used previously Manjaro (throws up), ArcoLinux, and a few other Arch-based systems.

One thing I never even realized. I used yay for most of my time here on Arch. But, umm, I always used yay -SYu to update it.

I NEVER knew that just typing yay will update and upgrade your system in one little command.

Why have I not known this earlier? This is 1000x easier…

I’m an old Debian junkie, so Sudo Update & Sudo Upgrade

Am I delusional, or just plain stupid? :crazy_face:


Yer makes life a bit easier, since I only update fortnightly I update my mirror (just in case) than run yay in the terminal and take a note of what is getting updated in case of issues. But when I first started I used to use pacman followed by yay.

Neither (well at least not with this :laughing:) Just learning


You might want to look at this thread: https://forum.endeavouros.com/t/what-does-yay-upgrade-do
It includes some discussion about updating too.


if you like apt much there are sort the stuf that make pacman bit apt in use :slight_smile:

This took me a few reads to understand hey, but yer heaps of stuff out there for this

For users coming from non-Arch distros, this link may be helpful:


This is one of my go to pages, very useful

In addition, the “deep” introduction to pacman: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman


I always never realize anything until i realize something. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Do you know you can run eos-update to update using yay and do some handy management stuff beforehand? The EOS guys wrote that handy script for us. You can also use it with paru with eos-update --paru


You are either too focused on the task at hand and too organized for your own good or lack brain power (brain consumes 25+ percent of the total body energy when thinking) to widen your attention span. There are classic experiments that demonstrate how terrifying bot states can be, like observing basketball players and not seeing a bear or reading newspaper articles and not seeing an order to go through a door and collect $1000.

You also have high tolerance to ignorance. Thus you never browsed awailable commands in order to find out what, at least generally and approximately, each is doing. And you never browsed the Wiki…

It is OK, it cannot be changed (at least without causing more damage than obtaining benefits), and it is a general condition that manifests in any domain, so just do not forget you are like that. The opposite is also problematic…


You can make any command as you wish. For updating you can make your own command which you muscle memory use on every distro.

You don’t need to get used to long Linux commands, Linux commands needs to be tailored for your user. Track what you are using the most, and optimize these things with scripts.

You can

$ mkdir ~/my-bin
$ cd ~/my-bin
$ git init

Add export PATH=/home/$USER/my-bin:$PATH to .bashrc

And then create text files in my-bin:
$ kate ~/my-bin/spinit

which starts like


cd ~

#Ask for administrator password and elevate this script to higher permisions
sudo $0

echo "Let's go..."

pacman -Syu

echo "Done."

This are better than alias in `.bashrc, because you can easily search the folder for your commands/scripts.

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My paranoid brain would look for a window into that room to make sure it wasn’t a trap first and even after that might make a deal with someone else to go halves in it if they walk in instead of me

Yes I’ve used them in the past for friends who aren’t the best with technology making the commands update so they could easily remember and other similar aliases

I like using eos-update because it checks ands update the keyring first wich helps a lot to prevent errors