I have two problems

1.Welcome App opens very slowly

[sudo] hasło użytkownika marcin:
:: Synchronizowanie baz danych z pakietami…
endeavouros is up to date
core is up to date
extra is up to date
multilib is up to date
błąd: nie udało się pobrać pliku ‘endeavouros.db’ z fastmirror.pp.ua : Failed to connect to fastmirror.pp.ua port 443 after 10002 ms: Timeout was reached
:: Przeszukuję AUR za aktualizacjami…
:: Przeszukuję bazy danych za aktualizacjami…
there is nothing to do

since i can’t read that language and can only read bits an peices that are english I would say your system is up to date so what is the problem?


Try to renew your Endeavour-mirrorlist:

$> eos-rankmirrors --verbose

See more details here at point 3.a & 3.b.

The first problem is a “child-problem” from the second (sorry for my bad english :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:)

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I’v renew my EOS mirrorlist and now there is no error massage