I did it i installed arch (with archfi script) some people are too salty out here

its just a window manager
you are only able to manege windows no close or minimize buttons all the shortcuts are onto the keyboard

okay then
i only try to help you

Everyone should do that once - to prove it works. Thereafter, taking 3 or so minutes to install EndeavourOS makes MUCH more sense. I can setup an EnOS build (with ALL my needed packages and theming and conkys &c) in 20 minutes now :grin: - but I take up to 1/2 hour to get Arch done!


That’s right
why spend 1/2 hour
when you can do it in 3min
I just did it
pure arch with EOS installer :blush:

spend just 20 mins setting it all up the way I want it
everything is done in about 25 min


i did it with archfi


Just fun… think it great more people install Arch . No matter installer or wiki way . I welcome all equal :+1::vulcan_salute:


what happened ?
i tagged @Echoa

Try the Arch way to do encrypted base install then machine specific post install on spare machine. Make your own build notes along the way specific to you of steps. It helps to appreciate and learn from ground up. Nice feeling of achievement.

Obviously no point to do multiple base installs on same machine over and over once learned. Just use EOS for convenience.

Difficult no, takes time yes.


Yet Another YouTube Guide For ArchLinux Installation


archfi is pretty fast

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Yeah, but do you get that “I have installed Arch The Arch Way, BTW” feeling?

Then you should not be posting on the Arch forum:

Please follow the forum rules.


It’s not. It’s 99.9% Arch, but it’s not Arch.

This sort of thing kills off forums. Please don’t PM people for help.

Then you technically did not install Arch. There are two supported installation methods: following the wiki, and the archinstall script. Anything else is not technically Arch. :wink:


alright bet

im just kidding :smiley:

That’s terrific! Now just add the EndeavourOS repository and you will have (almost) “pure” EndeavourOS!

Lawrence :wink:


That’s an odd joke. Especially when you also state:


Ah. The sweet sounds of a keyboard typing this is like listening to an orchestra playing Beethoven. It’s beautiful.


Would it still be considered Arch way if installed Arch without Arch GUI installer or Arch distro then in addition to Arch repo you would add Endeavour’s own repo to your Arch install then change OS name then switch Arch logo to EOS logo in neofetch!

Is that enough Arch in one sentence though?

It’s Arch if you have installed it in a manner which entitles you to receive help from their help forum.