🐎 Howdy from Kentucky!

Kentucky is an odd place which is why I fit in. :upside_down_face:

Thanks for the warm welcome, Scotty, and you can get a corvette on the cheap.

Here you go!

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Thanks, Kjw!

Cute avatar!

Woo Hoo!

Kentucky is taking over!

Soon visitors will hear the sound of dueling banjos when they come to the forums! :smile:

Thanks, Smokey!

Thanks, NX-01!

Purple may look good on me. :smiling_face:

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Thanks for the warm welcome, Pebcak!

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Fbody cars are Camaro/Firebird.

It’s a deceiving name since it was only a very very short stint in my car building career. I was mostly Mitsubishi.

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Be very Welcome @RokettoPanchi :slight_smile:

Noob here too :slight_smile:

Together we are stronger and we make the difference :slight_smile:

If u need anything just ask :slight_smile:

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Hi Sysope!

Thank you kindly! I look forward learning together! :star_struck:

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Welcome to the forum Sir! I am new to the forum as well. I make my home down south in Louisiana.

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Howdy and thank you!

You seem like a β€œsharp” individual! :laughing:

Welcome you and the horse you rode in on!


Thank ye! Glad to be here!

Welcome from a state just a bit to your south (Georgia). Enjoy your time here!

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Howdy and thank you!

Welcome to the community :beers: