How to set the preferred Configuration and Download directory for gPodder Podcast Application


After the demise of Clementine, I have been on a mission to find the best Podcast application for me. I have been testing Vocal, but too many bugs and not enough turn around. So I have switched to gPodder.

What I noticed is when I use the tilde ‘~’ in the envvars.conf file that gPodder cannot expand this value to show the home path.

Question, is the below approach the best practice for Arch based systems?

I’m asking, as I will request gPodder add the below to their documentation.

How to set the preferred Configuration and Download directory for gPodder Podcast Application

gPodder is a Podcast management application which has features like:

  • Keep a listing of the Podcasts you have registered (with New and Listened statuses).
  • Download offline copies of audio and video Podcasts.
  • Download Youtube streams.

By default all configuration are stored in the ~\gPodder directory in Linux. The below steps allow you to use the follow variables to override the directories where:

  • ‘GPODDER_HOME’ the configuration files are stored.
  • ‘GPODDER_DOWNLOAD_DIR’ the audio\video files are stored when downloading a Podcast.

Steps to customize the data directories:

  1. Launch Terminal.

  2. Create your preferred directories to store the gPodder configuration and downloads:

mkdir ~/.config/gPodder
mkdir ~/Music/Podcasts
  1. Create a local envvars.conf file to define the preferred configuration and download directory for gPodder

    a. Open envvars.conf in nano editor:

nano ~/.config/environment.d/envvars.conf

b. Add the following local environment variable settings:

  • $HOME will insert the Home Directory of the current signed in user.
  1. To initialize the new settings in the envvars.conf file:

    a. Log out of your desktop session.
    b. Log into your desktops session.


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Unfortunately this isn’t working for me :frowning_face:

I’m trying to set GPODDER_HOME as /home/benedict/Music/gpodder but when I add this to ~/.config/environment.d/envvars.conf as either GPODDER_HOME=$HOME/Music/gPodder or GPODDER_HOME=/home/benedict/Music/gPodder then gPodder launches and sets the GPodder folder in /home/benedict instead. It also doesn’t show when I run printenv

Setting GPODDER_HOME=/home/benedict/Music/gPodder in /etc/environment does work however (and shows when I run printenv). I’m the only user on this machine, so it doesn’t matter that I’ve set it for all users, but I would like to resolve this.

I’ve been perusing without illumination.

This would be where gPodder’s configs will be stored.

I guess this is will be the default location for gPodder’s download.

If you don’t want it to create a directory directly under your home, you would need to set


as well.

I can confirm that the instructions in the OP have worked for me.

Here is how I have specified where configs and downloaded podcasts should be stored:


On other distros, specifying GPODDER_HOME has resulted in the Download folder being within that specified location. However, if even if I exactly replicate the syntax of either you or @kagetora13, I still end up with gPodder creating a fresh folder in my /home :frowning_face:

I didn’t have a ~/.config/environment.d/ folder to begin with, and this led me down a rabbit hole of trying to find out if a systemd service was not running, or that maybe it’s a Cinnamon specific issue.

In the end, I’ve stopped looking and will stick with my workaround.

Thank you both.

Maybe best approch is open a bug with gpodder to see whay they have to say?

In my case I’m using Gnome. When I reported it, they ended up doing a code fix.

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Yes, I’ll do a bit more testing/research later this weekend, and then consider that. Thank you.

Right. This directory needs to be created by the user.

I’ve had trouble with gPodder in the past too. Most recently I decided to use podgrab instead and I’ve been very please with it.

Oddly enough, even though this

had worked for me on one install, it didn’t in another. gPodder kept creating gPodder directory in my home.

Specifying the full path:


in ~/.config/environment.d/envvars.conf solved the issue.

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Unfortunately that doesn’t work for me either - it’s still only specifying it in /etc/environment that does the trick :person_shrugging:

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Check the permissions and ownership of ~/.config/environment.d and the directory you want to set as default.

They are both set to my user account as is all my /home directory. It’s OK, because I’ve found something that works, even if it is a bit unorthodox.

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