How to set askpass gui for the system

I am trying to run a script that auto mounts drives into my system. It uses sudo with -A flag to use a gui askpass to get the user pass but fails to do so. I am sure different programs like GnuPG for example has such an app. There is a place in sudo.config file for such a thing. But I am not sure which program should I install ans how to use it to solve this problem.

The easy answer is to use pkexec instead of sudo

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I’m using kde so, I’m just using kdialog since I already have it. In order to make it work, I needed to write a short script that contains


kdialog --title "This Action Requires Root Permissions" --password "Password Please"

Then inside of /etc/sudo.conf You should include a line that looks like this
Path askpass /path/to/script

At least this is how I setup a custom askpass program.

@dalto Sorry, I didn’t mean to reply that to you.

The should be something similar in XFCE. This is what Thunar shows me when I try to open a folder in it with root access. I just don’t know its name.


It’s called pkexec.

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