I use Clementine music player because it has a great database of Internet Radio Stations. I listen to the radio.
Clementine stopped working after today’s update.
I get the following error:
clementine: error while loading shared libraries: libprotobuf.so.27.3.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I made an attempt to reinstall protobuf 27 from AUR, I made an attempt not to update protobuf in today’s update, no way.
What shall I do to revive Clementine?
I would suggest using strawberry. It is the successor to clementine and is in the extras. i have never had any problems. Plays radio stations, song lyrics, album covers. Exactly what clementine does.
I know strawberry, but it has a very limited list of radio stations and I found no way to add new ones.
I like good old (very old) music. It’s broadcasting by Mexico - Beautiful Instrumentals, Brazil - Gold Instrumentaks, Scalla. And I like smooth jazz, country, etc.
I create a playlist in which i insert the radio streams. Works great.
Do you know RadioParadise?
Thank you for the info! I was not aware of RadioParadise. But it is a website, not an app. There is one more: Radio Garden. It exists also in the form of app in AUR but doesn’t install. Anyway, I can listen to it via some browser. The point is maybe it’s necessary to change just a line or a word in the code to start Clementine again.
You can use it as a app on a smartphone
You can add the streams to a playlist. Somewhere on the page it says how to do this
Found it. Here are the Streamlinks
Sorry, I ruined your post.
Have you tried rebuilding Clementine?
yay -S --rebuild clementine
I did not rebuild, I reinstalled. Negative.
The solution was plain, simple, and wild (plebeian, savage).
I went to MX-Linux, found the needed file libprotobuf.so.27.3.0 and copied it to /usr/lib in EOS. Enjoining the music now. But it is not an aristocratic solution.
In general you shouldn’t reinstall the app from AUR if its dependency’s update broke it.
The thing is, it will be built the same way with the same old version of the dependency which is unsupported.
I learned it the hard way when VLC received an update and I needed to rebuild qt5-styleplugins
to make it work again as the reinstall didn’t help.
This… Strawberry is excellent, but then so are many other players… and built-in radio is over-rated.
Add any other radiostations you can find easily as a playlist saved on HDD which you can pretty much play in any player, but Strawberry gives good information on playing streams.
Try this (save as .m3u) and open with whatever you have handy - audacious, vlc, QMPlay2, or my favourite - Strawberry.
#EXTINF:0,BBC HLS AAC - Radio 4 Extra
#EXTINF:0,UK eAAC+ 48k - Best 70s
#EXTINF:0,BBC AAC 48 - ClassicFM M Relax
Find your stations at https://www.radio-browser.info/
I recently had this problem too.
My system runs directly on Arch Linux, but that shouldn’t make any difference.
I did a complete system update today:
pacman -Syu
After that I had recompiled Clementine:
yay -S --rebuild clementine
Now Clementine is running again.
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