I by mistake deleted one sub partition of my endevour OS Disk and I lost boot capabilities and I am not sure if I deleted the System or what happened but I still can see my endevourOS partiton in my gparted
Ok, thanks!!, could you tell me some big step by step on this? So I can try googling the little things i need to do?, thank you very much for the answer I was ready having a breakdown
I am not in a spot to do that right now but hopefully someone else will come along soon to provide detailed instructions. I mostly responded just to let you know that all was not lost.
I would wait for someone to guide you because you don’t want to make things worse by doing it wrong.
In the meantime, do you know if you were using grub or systemd-boot?
Right now things are okay because gparted shows the 1 GB unallocated space that you will use to create the efi partition. So just don’t mess with it until @dalto or someone else gives you the correct instructions. I’m not very well versed with systemd-boot so i don’t want to give you bad information and cause any issues since i know this is easily repairable. Maybe @pebcak is around? He’s very good at this.
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/efi
sudo arch-chroot /mnt
– recreate loader-entries:
create this file, and save it as per example k-install and make it executable: chmod +x k-install
and run ./k-install
in chrooted terminal use nano in case or what ever you like as cli editor nano k-install
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Find the configured esp
esp=$(bootctl -p)
# Prepare the efi partition for kernel-install
machineid=$(cat /etc/machine-id)
if [[ ${machineid} ]]; then
mkdir ${esp}/${machineid}
echo "Failed to get the machine ID"
# Run kernel install for all the installed kernels
edit /efi/loader/loader.conf and add timeout to 5 so it will show the boot menu…
In the step 2 I want to reactivate my partition but I cannot edit the flags of my 1gb partition that is supposed to be mu efi
I can create a new one tough,using what you suggested Processing: IMG_20240912_165157830_HDR.jpg…