I’ve been a fan of the project since it released it’s first ISO, I respect and love the work of you all, thank you. But there’s something I’ve always wanted to ask, how can I pronounce “Endeavour”, is it like English, or maybe French (which I love and use btw), or nothing like that at all
Il dit : Ende-Va-Our-Os au lieu d’Ende-Avour-OS, il inverse EAV en EVA, pas sûr que tous les Français prononceraient ainsi, en tous cas sa vidéo est bien. Sinon, on peut dire EOS, cela n’a pas le même charme, mais bon ! Je suis sûr d’une chose : écrire eos pour nommer les fichiers, c’est drôlement pratique.
He says : Ende-Va-Our-Os in spite of Ende-Avour-OS, he inverses EAV in EVA, not sure that all French would pronounce the same, anyway his video is well. Otherwise, we could say EOS, then it’s not the same charm, but ok ! I’m sure about something, name file with eos is very useful.