How to install COSMIC DE?

I tried, yay -S cosmic cosmic-session and cosmic-session-git with no success.

Not sure what you are doing in the AUR.
Endeavour repo has every single Cosmic DE component except the DE itself? Now I’m getting confused :slight_smile:

extra/cosmic-app-library 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    Cosmic App Library
extra/cosmic-applets 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    Applets for COSMIC Panel
extra/cosmic-bg 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    COSMIC session service which applies backgrounds to displays
extra/cosmic-comp 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    Compositor for the COSMIC desktop environment
extra/cosmic-files 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    File manager for the COSMIC desktop environment
extra/cosmic-greeter 1.0.0.alpha.1-2 (cosmic)
    COSMIC greeter for greetd
extra/cosmic-icon-theme 1.0.0.alpha.1-1
    System76 Cosmic icon theme
extra/cosmic-launcher 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    Layer Shell frontend for Pop Launcher
extra/cosmic-notifications 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    Layer Shell notifications daemon which integrates with COSMIC
extra/cosmic-osd 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    COSMIC On-Screen Display
extra/cosmic-panel 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    XDG Shell Wrapper Panel for Cosmic
extra/cosmic-randr 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    Library and utility for displaying and configuring Wayland outputs
extra/cosmic-screenshot 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    Utility for capturing screenshots via XDG Desktop Portal
extra/cosmic-session 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    Session manager for the COSMIC desktop environment
extra/cosmic-settings 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    The settings application for the COSMIC desktop environment
extra/cosmic-settings-daemon 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    Cosmic settings daemon
extra/cosmic-store 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    Cosmic App Store
extra/cosmic-terminal 1.0.0.alpha.1-2 (cosmic)
    Cosmic Terminal Emulator
extra/cosmic-text-editor 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    Text editor for the COSMIC desktop
extra/cosmic-wallpapers r4.0f2f16d-2 (cosmic)
    Wallpapers for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
extra/cosmic-workspaces 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    Cosmic workspaces
extra/xdg-desktop-portal-cosmic 1.0.0.alpha.1-1 (cosmic)
    A backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal for the COSMIC desktop environment

unless session manager is the Whole Enchilada?

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I have the endeavour repo and I tried, sudo pacman -S cosmic cosmic-session and cosmic-session-git, with no success.

Does Rust have to be installed?

Maybe this will help: Cosmic - Arch Wiki



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it did indeed just help me right now, thank you! pretty excited to try it out

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I’ve been dealing with either PopOS! Cosmic Alpha or other distros with Cosmic availability via VM for a while now.

Time for a bare-metal test. I’ll be installing CachyOS Cosmic on my Samsung Laptop.

More to come…

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You can probably get cosmic running here:



Great! Thanks for the link. Was looking for a way to try Cosmic desktop in EndeavourOS. Will try that on my Laptop. :+1:

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Let us know if the install is successful and your thoughts on Cosmic Alpha.


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I couldn’t resist the Cosmic force, I just had to see for myself.

I can verify that the EnOS Mercury ISO will install Cosmic very well following @joekamprad 's instructions linked to above.



Is cosmic desktop just pop-os version which is based on Gnome?

Influenced by Gnome, for sure… but Cosmic is completely new and written entirely in rust. While it will be the default DE for the next PopOS, it’s also a separate DE for any distros that want to use it. Much in the same way that you don’t need Linux Mint to run Cinnamon.

I did realize it’s new and written in rust. I was just wondering if they are the owners or creators of it for installs on other linux distros.

Edit: I guess then it’s finally released? I’m not a Gnome fan but I think i would run Cosmic over Gnome just knowing the support it has.

Well, yeah. Just like Cinnamon was created for and by Linux Mint, but any other distro can still use it.

More detailed info can be found here:

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No official release yet. It’s currently in Alpha 6.

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Thanks for testing the instructions. I didn’t have time to do it … Good to know that the instructions are working! :+1:

Just installed EndeavourOS Cosmic on my Laptop. Didn’t want to wipe my Hardware. Instructions worked. I got some error messages when booting the system, but I think Cosmic Alpha is to blame here.

Cosmic DE looks interesting but definitely needs improvement. I will stay with Cosmic on my Laptop to keep an eye on development.

Maybe EOS Team is able to add Cosmic DE into the installation script so that you are able to select Cosmic via installation? Would be great. :wink:

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Garuda has added Cosmic to its DE repertoire

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We will not put this DE to defaults for the moment, may one day in the future when its fully ready.
And its not that hard to add with the ISO script. You can see it as a challenge to validate that you will be able to fix it in case later :wink: