Installation stopped much earlier in the process, with a different error message. Here is the log:
[liveuser@eos-2022.09.10 ~]$ cat ~/endeavour-install.log
########## /home/liveuser/endeavour-install.log by eos-install-mode-run-calamares
########## Started (UTC): 10/15/2022 01:52:25 PM
########## Install mode: community
########## ISO version: 2022.09.10
########## Calamares version:
## >>> Preliminary log before starting calamares:
==> hotfix-start.bash: info: hotfixes after ISO 2022.09.10
==> hotfix-start.bash: info: skip installing package(s): ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw
==> Hotfixes definition file from executed.
==> File settings.conf updated.
## <<< End of preliminary log.
15:52:25 [6]: Calamares::Settings::Settings(const QString&, bool)
Using Calamares settings file at "/etc/calamares/settings.conf"
15:52:25 [6]: void Logger::setupLogfile()
Using log file: "/root/.cache/calamares/session.log"
15:52:25 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::init()
Calamares version: 3.2.61
.. languages: "ar, as, ast, az, az_AZ, be, bg, bn, ca, ca@valencia, cs_CZ, da, de, el, en, en_GB, eo, es, es_MX, et, eu, fa, fi_FI, fr, fur, gl, he, hi, hr, hu, id, is, it_IT, ja, ko, lt, ml, mr, nb, nl, oc, pl, pt_BR, pt_PT, ro, ru, si, sk, sl, sq, sr, sr@latin, sv, tg, th, tr_TR, uk, vi, zh_CN, zh_TW"
15:52:25 [6]: bool CalamaresUtils::initQmlModulesDir()
Using Calamares QML directory "/usr/share/calamares/qml"
15:52:25 [6]: Calamares::Branding::Branding(const QString&, QObject*)
Using Calamares branding file at "/etc/calamares/branding/endeavouros/branding.desc"
15:52:25 [6]: Calamares::Branding::Branding(const QString&, QObject*)
Loaded branding component "endeavouros"
.. Loaded QRC translation "tz_" "en_US"
.. Loaded QRC translation "calamares_" "en_US"
.. STARTUP: initSettings, initQmlPath, initBranding done
.. STARTUP: initModuleManager: module init started
15:52:25 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::doInit()
Found 42 modules
15:52:25 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initView()
STARTUP: initModuleManager: all modules init done
15:52:25 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initView()
STARTUP: initJobQueue done
15:52:25 [6]: CalamaresWindow::CalamaresWindow(QWidget*)
Available desktop QSize(1920, 1045) minimum size QSize(1024, 520)
.. Proposed window size: 1200 700
15:52:25 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initView()
STARTUP: CalamaresWindow created; loadModules started
15:52:25 [6]: void Config::initLanguages()
Trying to match locale "en_US"
15:52:25 [6]: void Config::initLanguages()
Trying to match locale QLocale(English, Latin, United States)
15:52:25 [6]: void Config::setLocaleIndex(int)
Index 14 Selected locale "en"
.. Loading "calamares-endeavouros_en" from "/etc/calamares/branding/endeavouros/lang"
.. Branding no translation for "en" using default (en)
.. Loaded QRC translation "tz_" "en"
.. Loaded QRC translation "calamares_" "en"
15:52:26 [6]: QStringList CalamaresUtils::GeoIP::getElementTexts(const QByteArray&, const QString&)
GeoIP found 1 elements
15:52:26 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
ViewModule "welcome@online" loading complete.
15:52:26 [6]: QStringList loadLocales(const QString&)
Loading locales from "/etc/locale.gen"
.. Read 490 lines
.. After filtering 316 lines
15:52:26 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
ViewModule "locale@locale" loading complete.
15:52:26 [6]: KeyboardModelsModel::KeyboardModelsModel(QObject*)
Loaded 189 keyboard models
15:52:26 [6]: KeyboardPage::KeyboardPage(Config*, QWidget*)
Variants now total= 0 selected= -1
.. Loaded QRC translation "kb_" "en"
15:52:26 [6]: void Config::detectCurrentKeyboardLayout()
("pc", "fr", "inet(evdev)\"")
15:52:27 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
ViewModule "keyboard@keyboard" loading complete.
15:52:27 [6]: CalamaresUtils::Partition::InternalManager::InternalManager()
KPMCore backend starting ..
15:52:27 [6]: Loaded backend plugin: "pmsfdiskbackendplugin"
.. Backend @0x56535d400510 "pmsfdiskbackendplugin" "1"
15:52:27 [2]: virtual void PartitionViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&)
WARNING: Partition-module setting *defaultPartitionTableType* is unset, will use gpt for efi or msdos for bios
15:52:27 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
ViewModule "partition@partition" loading complete.
15:52:27 [6]: void fillModel(PackageListModel*, const QVariantList&)
Loading PackageChooser model items from config
.. Loaded PackageChooser with 6 entries.
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
ViewModule "packagechooser@community" loading complete.
15:52:28 [6]: void Config::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&)
Loading netinstall from 1 alternate sources.
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
ViewModule "netinstall@community-base" loading complete.
15:52:28 [2]: void copyLegacy(const QVariantMap&, const QString&, QVariantMap&, const QString&)
WARNING: Legacy *users* key "userShell" overrides hostname-settings.
15:52:28 [2]: void copyLegacy(const QVariantMap&, const QString&, QVariantMap&, const QString&)
WARNING: Legacy *users* key "setHostname" overrides hostname-settings.
15:52:28 [2]: void copyLegacy(const QVariantMap&, const QString&, QVariantMap&, const QString&)
WARNING: Legacy *users* key "writeHostsFile" overrides hostname-settings.
.. minLength set to 1
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
ViewModule "users@users" loading complete.
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
ViewModule "summary@summary" loading complete.
15:52:28 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::loadModules()
Module "partition@partition" already loaded.
15:52:28 [6]: Calamares::SlideshowQML::SlideshowQML(QWidget*)
QML import paths:
15:52:28 [6]: Calamares::SlideshowQML::SlideshowQML(QWidget*)
QML load on startup, API 2.
15:52:28 [2]: QThread::setPriority: Cannot set priority, thread is not running
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
CppJobModule "shellprocess@modify_mk_hook" loading complete.
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
CppJobModule "shellprocess@initialize_pacman" loading complete.
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
CppJobModule "machineid@machineid" loading complete.
15:52:28 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::loadModules()
Module "locale@locale" already loaded.
15:52:28 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::loadModules()
Module "keyboard@keyboard" already loaded.
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
CppJobModule "userpkglist@userpkglist" loading complete.
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
CppJobModule "luksbootkeyfile@luksbootkeyfile" loading complete.
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
CppJobModule "luksopenswaphookcfg@luksopenswaphookcfg" loading complete.
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
CppJobModule "initcpio@initcpio" loading complete.
15:52:28 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::loadModules()
Module "users@users" already loaded.
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
CppJobModule "shellprocess@reset_mk_hook" loading complete.
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
CppJobModule "preservefiles@preservefiles" loading complete.
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
CppJobModule "shellprocess@copyfiles" loading complete.
15:52:28 [2]: void Calamares::Module::loadConfigurationFile(const QString&)
WARNING: Found empty module configuration "/etc/calamares/modules/umount.conf"
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf()
CppJobModule "umount@umount" loading complete.
15:52:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf()
ViewModule "finished@finished" loading complete.
15:52:28 [6]: void Config::xkbApply()
xkbmap selection changed to: "fr" - ""
15:52:28 [6]: setGeoIP(Config*, const QVariantMap&)::<lambda()>
GeoIP result for welcome= "FR"
15:52:28 [6]: void Config::setLocaleIndex(int)
Index 23 Selected locale "fr"
.. Loading "calamares-endeavouros_fr" from "/etc/calamares/branding/endeavouros/lang"
.. Branding no translation for "fr" using default (en)
.. No translation for "tz_" "fr" using default (en)
.. Loaded QRC translation "calamares_" "fr"
15:52:28 [6]: void LoaderQueue::fetch(const QUrl&)
NetInstall loading groups from QUrl("file:///etc/calamares/modules/netinstall-ce-base.yaml")
15:52:28 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initViewSteps()
STARTUP: loadModules for all modules done
15:52:28 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::checkRequirements()
Checking module requirements ..
15:52:28 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initViewSteps()
STARTUP: Window now visible and ProgressTreeView populated
.. 10 view steps loaded.
.. No translation for "kb_" "fr" using default (en)
15:52:28 [6]: void LoaderQueue::dataArrived()
NetInstall group data received 6493 bytes from QUrl("file:///etc/calamares/modules/netinstall-ce-base.yaml")
.. No translation for "kb_" "fr" using default (en)
15:52:29 [6]: smartctl initialization failed for "/dev/sdb" : No such file or directory
15:52:29 [6]: error during smart output parsing for "/dev/sdb" : Success
15:52:30 [6]: QList<Device*> PartUtils::getDevices(DeviceType)
Removing unsuitable devices: 2 candidates.
.. Running ("blkid", "/dev/sda")
.. Running ("blkid", "/dev/sda5")
.. Running ("blkid", "/dev/sda3")
.. Running ("blkid", "/dev/sda1")
.. Running ("blkid", "/dev/sda4")
.. Running ("blkid", "/dev/sdb")
.. Removing device with iso9660 filesystem (probably a CD) on it "/dev/sdb"
.. there are 1 devices left.
15:52:30 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::doInit()
.. node capacity name prettyName
.. "/dev/sda" 500105249280 DevName$5a4e48a2 DevNamePretty$807609e
.. 1 devices detected.
.. Running ("blkid", "-s", "TYPE", "-o", "value", "/dev/sda4")
15:52:34 [6]: FstabEntryList PartUtils::lookForFstabEntries(const QString&)
Checking device "/dev/sda4" for fstab (fs= "ext4" )
.. Running ("mount", "-o", "ro,noload", "/dev/sda4", "/tmp/calamares-osjThL")
.. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
.. Running ("sync")
.. got 10 fstab entries from 10 lines in "/tmp/calamares-osjThL/etc/fstab"
.. Running ("umount", "-R", "/tmp/calamares-osjThL")
.. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
.. Running ("sync")
15:52:34 [6]: bool PartUtils::canBeResized(Partition*, const Logger::Once&)
Partition "/dev/sda4" authorized for resize + autopartition install.
.. os-prober lines after cleanup:
"/dev/sda4:Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS (22.04):Ubuntu:linux"
15:52:34 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::scanForEfiSystemPartitions()
system is EFI and new EFI system partition has been found.
15:52:34 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*)
Got 1 requirement results from "partition"
15:52:34 [6]: void Calamares::SlideshowQML::loadQmlV2Complete()
QML component complete, API 2
15:52:35 [6]: bool GeneralRequirements::checkHasPower()
A battery exists, checking for mains power.
.. Loading "/etc/calamares/branding/endeavouros/show.qml"
15:52:35 [6]: bool ChoicePage::calculateNextEnabled() const
No partitioning choice has been made yet
15:52:35 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateDeviceStatePreview()
Updating partitioning state widgets.
15:52:35 [6]: void ChoicePage::setupActions()
Setting up actions for "/dev/sda" with 1 entries.
.. Can not resize "/dev/sda5" , filesystem "fat32" does not support resize.
.. Checking if "/dev/sda5" can be replaced.
.. NO, insufficient storage
Required storage B: 6442450944 "(5.5GiB)"
Available storage B: 134217728 "(0GiB)"
.. NO, insufficient storage
Required storage B: 8589934592 "(8GiB)"
Available storage B: 2024505344 "(1GiB)" for "/dev/sda3" length: 4096000 sectorsUsed: 141888 fsType: "ext4"
.. Checking if "/dev/sda3" can be replaced.
.. NO, insufficient storage
Required storage B: 6442450944 "(5.5GiB)"
Available storage B: 2097152000 "(1GiB)"
.. Partition "/dev/sda1" authorized for resize + autopartition install.
.. contains resizable "/dev/sda1"
.. Checking if "/dev/sda1" can be replaced.
.. Partition "/dev/sda1" authorized for replace install.
.. contains replaceable "/dev/sda1"
.. Partition "/dev/sda4" authorized for resize + autopartition install.
.. contains resizable "/dev/sda4"
.. Checking if "/dev/sda4" can be replaced.
.. Partition "/dev/sda4" authorized for replace install.
.. contains replaceable "/dev/sda4"
15:52:35 [6]: ChoicePage::setupActions()::<lambda()>
Setting texts for 1 non-empty osprober entry
15:52:35 [6]: void ChoicePage::continueApplyDeviceChoice()
Previous device -1 new device 0
15:52:35 [6]: void ChoicePage::applyActionChoice(InstallChoice)
Prev -1 InstallChoice Config::NoChoice "none"
15:52:35 [6]: bool ChoicePage::calculateNextEnabled() const
No partitioning choice has been made yet
15:52:35 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateActionChoicePreview(InstallChoice)
Updating partitioning preview widgets.
15:52:35 [6]: bool ChoicePage::calculateNextEnabled() const
No partitioning choice has been made yet
15:52:35 [6]: bool ChoicePage::calculateNextEnabled() const
No partitioning choice has been made yet
15:52:35 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress()
Remaining modules: 1
15:52:35 [6]: Calamares::RequirementsList GeneralRequirements::checkRequirements()
GeneralRequirements output:
storage : 5905580032
enoughStorage : true
RAM : 1503238553
enoughRam : true
hasPower : true
hasInternet : true
isRoot : true
15:52:35 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*)
Got 6 requirement results from "welcome"
15:52:35 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::finished()
All requirements have been checked.
15:52:35 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsModel::describe() const
Requirements model has 7 items
.. requirement 0 "partitions" satisfied? true mandatory? true
.. requirement 1 "storage" satisfied? true mandatory? false
.. requirement 2 "ram" satisfied? true mandatory? true
.. requirement 3 "power" satisfied? true mandatory? false
.. requirement 4 "internet" satisfied? true mandatory? true
.. requirement 5 "root" satisfied? true mandatory? false
.. requirement 6 "screen" satisfied? true mandatory? false
15:52:37 [6]: static LocaleConfiguration LocaleConfiguration::fromLanguageAndLocation(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QString&)
Mapping "fr" in "FR" to locale.
.. Got best match for "fr" as "fr_LU.UTF-8"
.. Got best match for "fr_FR" as "fr_FR.UTF-8"
15:52:38 [6]: static LocaleConfiguration LocaleConfiguration::fromLanguageAndLocation(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QString&)
Mapping "fr" in "FR" to locale.
.. Got best match for "fr" as "fr_LU.UTF-8"
.. Got best match for "fr_FR" as "fr_FR.UTF-8"
15:52:38 [6]: static LocaleConfiguration LocaleConfiguration::fromLanguageAndLocation(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QString&)
Mapping "fr" in "FR" to locale.
.. Got best match for "fr" as "fr_LU.UTF-8"
.. Got best match for "fr_FR" as "fr_FR.UTF-8"
15:52:39 [6]: void Config::guessLocaleKeyboardLayout()
Got locale language "fr_FR.UTF-8"
.. looking for locale part "FR"
.. matched "fr"
15:52:39 [6]: void guessLayout(const QStringList&, KeyboardLayoutModel*, KeyboardVariantsModel*)
Next level: "fr"
15:52:42 [6]: void ChoicePage::applyActionChoice(InstallChoice)
Prev -1 InstallChoice Config::Manual "manual"
15:52:42 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateActionChoicePreview(InstallChoice)
Updating partitioning preview widgets.
15:52:44 [6]: virtual void PartitionViewStep::next()
Choice applied: Config::Manual
15:53:05 [6]: QML Component (default slideshow) Next slide
15:53:07 [6]: virtual void PartitionViewStep::next()
Choice applied: Config::Manual
15:53:16 [6]: void EditExistingPartitionDialog::applyChanges(PartitionCoreModule*)
old boundaries: 2048 264191 262144
.. new boundaries: 2048 264191
.. dirty status: false
15:53:16 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
No path to restore, choosing default
15:53:16 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
No path to restore, choosing default
15:53:24 [6]: void EditExistingPartitionDialog::applyChanges(PartitionCoreModule*)
old boundaries: 264192 4360191 4096000
.. new boundaries: 264192 4360191
.. dirty status: false
15:53:24 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
No path to restore, choosing default
15:53:24 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
No path to restore, choosing default
15:53:33 [6]: void EditExistingPartitionDialog::applyChanges(PartitionCoreModule*)
old boundaries: 4360192 840730623 836370432
.. new boundaries: 4360192 840730623
.. dirty status: false
15:53:33 [6]: void Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader(QComboBox&, const QString&)
No path to restore, choosing default
15:53:35 [6]: QML Component (default slideshow) Next slide
15:53:42 [2]: bool PartUtils::isEfiFilesystemSuitableSize(const Partition*)
WARNING: Filesystem for EFI is too small ( 134217728 bytes)
15:53:42 [6]: virtual void PartitionViewStep::onLeave()
ESP too small
15:54:01 [2]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 5653, resource id: 11148570, major code: 40 (TranslateCoords), minor code: 0
15:54:05 [6]: QML Component (default slideshow) Next slide
15:54:25 [6]: bool additions(Calamares::GlobalStorage*, const QString&, const QVariantList&, const QVariantList&)
Existing package operations length 0
.. 193 critical packages.
.. 2 non-critical packages.
15:54:35 [6]: QML Component (default slideshow) Next slide
15:54:38 [2]: QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread
15:54:38 [6]: virtual QString PartitionViewStep::prettyStatus() const
Summary for Partition 1 Config::Manual
15:54:38 [6]: QStringList findEssentialLVs(const QList<PartitionCoreModule::DeviceInfo*>&)
Checking LVM use on 1 devices
15:54:39 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const
Building partition information map
.. partitions on "/dev/sda"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda5" "/dev/sda5"
partlabel : "FATEFI"
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$a799e9cf"
parttype : "C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/boot/efi"
fs: : "fat32"
fsName : "fat32"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$7e0f18f2"
claimed : "false"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda3" "/dev/sda3"
partlabel : "BOOT"
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$52ac1831"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/boot"
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$9625429d"
claimed : "false"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sda1"
partlabel : ""
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$4c756f3c"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/"
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$dcc3e15b"
claimed : "false"
luksMapperName: : "luks-916ed4bd-ec49-4f0c-89ca-fa21944b2f7b"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda4" "/dev/sda4"
partlabel : ""
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$f030ac7c"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : ""
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$b5f197e1"
claimed : "false"
15:54:39 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const
Building partition information map
.. partitions on "/dev/sda"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda5" "/dev/sda5"
partlabel : "FATEFI"
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$a799e9cf"
parttype : "C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/boot/efi"
fs: : "fat32"
fsName : "fat32"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$7e0f18f2"
claimed : "false"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda3" "/dev/sda3"
partlabel : "BOOT"
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$52ac1831"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/boot"
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$9625429d"
claimed : "false"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sda1"
partlabel : ""
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$4c756f3c"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/"
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$dcc3e15b"
claimed : "false"
luksMapperName: : "luks-916ed4bd-ec49-4f0c-89ca-fa21944b2f7b"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda4" "/dev/sda4"
partlabel : ""
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$f030ac7c"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : ""
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$b5f197e1"
claimed : "false"
15:54:39 [2]: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
15:54:39 [2]: QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread
15:54:39 [6]: QStringList findEssentialLVs(const QList<PartitionCoreModule::DeviceInfo*>&)
Checking LVM use on 1 devices
15:54:39 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const
Building partition information map
.. partitions on "/dev/sda"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda5" "/dev/sda5"
partlabel : "FATEFI"
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$a799e9cf"
parttype : "C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/boot/efi"
fs: : "fat32"
fsName : "fat32"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$7e0f18f2"
claimed : "false"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda3" "/dev/sda3"
partlabel : "BOOT"
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$52ac1831"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/boot"
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$9625429d"
claimed : "false"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sda1"
partlabel : ""
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$4c756f3c"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/"
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$dcc3e15b"
claimed : "false"
luksMapperName: : "luks-916ed4bd-ec49-4f0c-89ca-fa21944b2f7b"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda4" "/dev/sda4"
partlabel : ""
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$f030ac7c"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : ""
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$b5f197e1"
claimed : "false"
15:54:39 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const
Building partition information map
.. partitions on "/dev/sda"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda5" "/dev/sda5"
partlabel : "FATEFI"
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$a799e9cf"
parttype : "C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/boot/efi"
fs: : "fat32"
fsName : "fat32"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$7e0f18f2"
claimed : "false"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda3" "/dev/sda3"
partlabel : "BOOT"
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$52ac1831"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/boot"
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$9625429d"
claimed : "false"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sda1"
partlabel : ""
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$4c756f3c"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/"
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$dcc3e15b"
claimed : "false"
luksMapperName: : "luks-916ed4bd-ec49-4f0c-89ca-fa21944b2f7b"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda4" "/dev/sda4"
partlabel : ""
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$f030ac7c"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : ""
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$b5f197e1"
claimed : "false"
15:54:43 [6]: QML Component (default slideshow) activated
15:54:43 [6]: QStringList findEssentialLVs(const QList<PartitionCoreModule::DeviceInfo*>&)
Checking LVM use on 1 devices
15:54:43 [6]: void Calamares::JobThread::finalize()
There are 42 jobs, total weight 29
.. Job 1 "Gérer les paramètres de montage automatique" +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.111111
.. Job 2 "Supprimer les montages temporaires." +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.222222
.. Job 3 "Retirer les montages pour les opérations de partitionnement sur /dev/sda" +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.333333
.. Job 4 "Formater la partition /dev/sda5 (système de fichiers : fat32, taille : 128 Mio) sur ST500LM012 HN-M500MBB." +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.444444
.. Job 5 "Définir l'étiquette du système de fichiers sur /dev/sda5." +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.555556
.. Job 6 "Formater la partition /dev/sda3 (système de fichiers : ext4, taille : 2000 Mio) sur ST500LM012 HN-M500MBB." +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.666667
.. Job 7 "Définir l'étiquette du système de fichiers sur /dev/sda3." +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.777778
.. Job 8 "Configurer les informations de la partition" +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.888889
.. Job 9 "Gérer les paramètres de montage automatique" +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 1
.. Job 10 "mount" +wt 1 tot.wt 2
.. Job 11 "modify 90-mkinitcpio-install.hook on host and chroot" +wt 1 tot.wt 3
.. Job 12 "initialiser pacman ... classement des miroirs ... copier la liste des miroirs pacman et le trousseau de clés vers la cible ..." +wt 1 tot.wt 4
.. Job 13 "pacstrap" +wt 1 tot.wt 5
.. Job 14 "Générer un identifiant machine." +wt 1 tot.wt 6
.. Job 15 "fstab" +wt 1 tot.wt 7
.. Job 16 "Configurer le fuseau-horaire à Europe/Paris" +wt 1 tot.wt 8
.. Job 17 "Configurer le modèle de clavier à pc105, la disposition des touches à fr-" +wt 1 tot.wt 9
.. Job 18 "localecfg" +wt 1 tot.wt 10
.. Job 19 " " +wt 1 tot.wt 11
.. Job 20 "packages" +wt 1 tot.wt 12
.. Job 21 "Configuration de la clé de fichier LUKS." +wt 1 tot.wt 13
.. Job 22 "Configuration du swap chiffrée." +wt 1 tot.wt 14
.. Job 23 "initcpiocfg" +wt 1 tot.wt 15
.. Job 24 "Création de l'initramfs avec mkinitcpio." +wt 1 tot.wt 16
.. Job 25 "Configurer les utilisateurs <pre>sudo</pre>. " +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 16.1667
.. Job 26 "Préparation des groupes." +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 16.3333
.. Job 27 "Créer l'utilisateur crocefisso" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 16.5
.. Job 28 "Définir le mot de passe pour l'utilisateur crocefisso" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 16.6667
.. Job 29 "Définir le mot de passe pour l'utilisateur root" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 16.8333
.. Job 30 "Définir le nom d'hôte crocefisso-pc" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 17
.. Job 31 "networkcfg" +wt 1 tot.wt 18
.. Job 32 "displaymanager" +wt 1 tot.wt 19
.. Job 33 "hwclock" +wt 1 tot.wt 20
.. Job 34 "grubcfg" +wt 1 tot.wt 21
.. Job 35 "bootloader" +wt 1 tot.wt 22
.. Job 36 "eos_script" +wt 1 tot.wt 23
.. Job 37 "eos_script" +wt 1 tot.wt 24
.. Job 38 "reset 90-mkinitcpio-install.hook" +wt 1 tot.wt 25
.. Job 39 "services-systemd" +wt 1 tot.wt 26
.. Job 40 "Sauvegarde des fichiers en cours pour plus tard..." +wt 1 tot.wt 27
.. Job 41 "copy logs and files from host to target" +wt 1 tot.wt 28
.. Job 42 "Démonter les systèmes de fichiers" +wt 1 tot.wt 29
15:54:43 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Starting job "Gérer les paramètres de montage automatique" ( 1 / 42 )
15:54:43 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult AutoMountManagementJob::exec()
Set automount to disable
15:54:43 [6]: void CalamaresUtils::Partition::querySolidAutoMount(QDBusConnection&, AutoMountInfo&)
Solid not available: "Not connected to D-Bus server"
15:54:43 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Starting job "Supprimer les montages temporaires." ( 2 / 42 )
15:54:43 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Starting job "Retirer les montages pour les opérations de partitionnement sur /dev/sda" ( 3 / 42 )
15:54:44 [6]: QStringList getPartitionsForDevice(const QString&)
Reading from "/proc/partitions" looking for "sda"
15:54:44 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult ClearMountsJob::exec()
ClearMountsJob finished. Here's what was done:
.. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
.. Running ("sync")
15:54:44 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Starting job "Formater la partition /dev/sda5 (système de fichiers : fat32, taille : 128 Mio) sur ST500LM012 HN-M500MBB." ( 4 / 42 )
15:54:48 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Starting job "Définir l'étiquette du système de fichiers sur /dev/sda5." ( 5 / 42 )
15:54:48 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Starting job "Formater la partition /dev/sda3 (système de fichiers : ext4, taille : 2000 Mio) sur ST500LM012 HN-M500MBB." ( 6 / 42 )
15:54:52 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Starting job "Définir l'étiquette du système de fichiers sur /dev/sda3." ( 7 / 42 )
15:54:52 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Starting job "Configurer les informations de la partition" ( 8 / 42 )
15:54:52 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const
Building partition information map
.. partitions on "/dev/sda"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda5" "/dev/sda5"
partlabel : "FATEFI"
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$a799e9cf"
parttype : "C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/boot/efi"
fs: : "fat32"
fsName : "fat32"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$c8108acf"
claimed : "false"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda3" "/dev/sda3"
partlabel : "BOOT"
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$52ac1831"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/boot"
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$6719e032"
claimed : "false"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sda1"
partlabel : ""
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$4c756f3c"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : "/"
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$dcc3e15b"
claimed : "false"
luksMapperName: : "luks-916ed4bd-ec49-4f0c-89ca-fa21944b2f7b"
.. mapping for "/dev/sda4" "/dev/sda4"
partlabel : ""
partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$f030ac7c"
parttype : "0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
partattrs : "0"
mountPoint: : ""
fs: : "ext4"
fsName : "ext4"
filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$b5f197e1"
claimed : "false"
15:54:52 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult FillGlobalStorageJob::exec()
Saving partition information map to GlobalStorage["partitions"]
15:54:52 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult FillGlobalStorageJob::exec()
FillGlobalStorageJob writing empty bootLoader value
15:54:52 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Starting job "Gérer les paramètres de montage automatique" ( 9 / 42 )
15:54:52 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult AutoMountManagementJob::exec()
Restore automount settings
15:54:52 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Starting job "mount" ( 10 / 42 )
15:54:52 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult Calamares::PythonJob::exec()
Job file "/usr/lib/calamares/modules/mount/"
[PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "fr_FR" in "/usr/share/locale/fr_FR"
.. Job description from pretty_name "mount" = "Montage des partitions."
.. Running ("mount", "-t", "ext4", "-o", "defaults,noatime", "/dev/mapper/luks-916ed4bd-ec49-4f0c-89ca-fa21944b2f7b", "/tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/")
.. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
.. Running ("sync")
.. Running ("mount", "-t", "ext4", "-o", "defaults,noatime", "/dev/sda3", "/tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/boot")
.. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
.. Running ("sync")
.. Running ("mount", "-t", "vfat", "-o", "defaults,noatime", "/dev/sda5", "/tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/boot/efi")
.. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
.. Running ("sync")
.. Running ("mount", "-o", "bind", "/dev", "/tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/dev")
.. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
.. Running ("sync")
.. Running ("mount", "-t", "proc", "-o", "defaults,noatime", "proc", "/tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/proc")
.. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
.. Running ("sync")
.. Running ("mount", "-t", "tmpfs", "-o", "defaults,noatime", "tmpfs", "/tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/run")
.. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
.. Running ("sync")
.. Running ("mount", "-o", "bind", "/run/udev", "/tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/run/udev")
.. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
.. Running ("sync")
.. Running ("mount", "-t", "sysfs", "-o", "defaults,noatime", "sys", "/tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/sys")
.. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
.. Running ("sync")
.. Running ("mount", "-t", "efivarfs", "-o", "defaults,noatime", "efivarfs", "/tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/sys/firmware/efi/efivars")
.. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
.. Running ("sync")
15:54:54 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Starting job "modify 90-mkinitcpio-install.hook on host and chroot" ( 11 / 42 )
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "mkdir -p /etc/pacman.d/hooks/")
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "cp /etc/calamares/scripts/90-mkinitcpio-install.hook /etc/pacman.d/hooks/")
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "mkdir -p /tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/usr/share/libalpm/scripts/")
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "cp /etc/calamares/scripts/mkinitcpio-install-calamares /tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/usr/share/libalpm/scripts/")
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "chmod +x /tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/usr/share/libalpm/scripts/mkinitcpio-install-calamares")
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "mkdir -p /tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/etc/pacman.d/hooks/")
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "cp /etc/calamares/scripts/90-mkinitcpio-install.hook /tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/etc/pacman.d/hooks/")
15:54:55 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Starting job "initialiser pacman ... classement des miroirs ... copier la liste des miroirs pacman et le trousseau de clés vers la cible ..." ( 12 / 42 )
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "pacman -Sy --noconfirm archlinux-keyring endeavouros-keyring")
15:55:05 [6]: QML Component (default slideshow) Next slide
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "chmod +x /etc/calamares/scripts/create-pacman-keyring")
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "bash /etc/calamares/scripts/create-pacman-keyring")
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "bash /etc/calamares/scripts/update-mirrorlist")
15:55:35 [6]: QML Component (default slideshow) Next slide
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "eos-rankmirrors")
15:56:05 [6]: QML Component (default slideshow) Next slide
15:56:35 [6]: QML Component (default slideshow) Next slide
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "cp /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist /tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/etc/pacman.d/")
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "cp /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist /tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/etc/pacman.d/")
.. Running ("/bin/sh", "-c", "cp -a /etc/pacman.d/gnupg /tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/etc/pacman.d/")
.. Target cmd: ("/bin/sh", "-c", "cp -a /etc/pacman.d/gnupg /tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/etc/pacman.d/") Exit code: 1 output:
cp: failed to preserve ownership for '/tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/etc/pacman.d/gnupg/S.gpg-agent': No such file or directory
15:56:44 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Skipping non-emergency job "pacstrap"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "Générer un identifiant machine."
.. Skipping non-emergency job "fstab"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "Configurer le fuseau-horaire à Europe/Paris"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "Configurer le modèle de clavier à pc105, la disposition des touches à fr-"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "localecfg"
.. Skipping non-emergency job " "
.. Skipping non-emergency job "packages"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "Configuration de la clé de fichier LUKS."
.. Skipping non-emergency job "Configuration du swap chiffrée."
.. Skipping non-emergency job "initcpiocfg"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "Création de l'initramfs avec mkinitcpio."
.. Skipping non-emergency job "Configurer les utilisateurs <pre>sudo</pre>. "
.. Skipping non-emergency job "Préparation des groupes."
.. Skipping non-emergency job "Créer l'utilisateur crocefisso"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "Définir le mot de passe pour l'utilisateur crocefisso"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "Définir le mot de passe pour l'utilisateur root"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "Définir le nom d'hôte crocefisso-pc"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "networkcfg"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "displaymanager"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "hwclock"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "grubcfg"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "bootloader"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "eos_script"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "eos_script"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "reset 90-mkinitcpio-install.hook"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "services-systemd"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "Sauvegarde des fichiers en cours pour plus tard..."
.. Skipping non-emergency job "copy logs and files from host to target"
.. Skipping non-emergency job "Démonter les systèmes de fichiers"
15:56:44 [1]: void Calamares::ViewManager::onInstallationFailed(const QString&, const QString&)
ERROR: Installation failed: "La commande externe s'est terminée avec des erreurs."
.. - message: "La commande externe s'est terminée avec des erreurs."
.. - details: La commande <i>cp -a /etc/pacman.d/gnupg /tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/etc/pacman.d/</i> s'est terminée avec le code de sortie 1.
cp: failed to preserve ownership for '/tmp/calamares-root-bfnlym3q/etc/pacman.d/gnupg/S.gpg-agent': No such file or directory
15:56:44 [6]: void Calamares::ViewManager::onInstallationFailed(const QString&, const QString&)
Calamares will quit when the dialog closes.
15:56:44 [6]: QML Component (default slideshow) deactivated
15:56:44 [6]: void Config::doNotify(bool, bool)
Notification not sent; completion: failed