I finally received my Raspberry Pi 400 today. I set it up and booted into the included uSD with Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspian) and it worked fine with the default LXDE.
However, I cannot install ArchLinux Arm on it as mutley did.
During boot up, it goes looking for files on a server somewhere. Then throws the error:
A quick search yielded the following:
Then the keyboard was unresponsive so I could not poke around any.
Next I inserted the uSD Raspberry Pi OS, disconnected the Ether net cable and disabled WiFi to see if it would boot with out being able to contact a server somewhere. It booted fine.
On a side note, the space bar on the keyboard sticks. About 2 out of 3 times it sticks with a delay then releases. About 1 out of 3 times it sticks and does not release with the cursor heading right on the screen. I have to lift the front of the keyboard slightly then drop it so the jarring releases the spacebar.
Not a happy camper at the moment.