I have an external HD as a simple storage device and today I was unmessing it when I found a folder called ISOs and there was a fedora iso file there, but I can’t remove it.
I also tried the sudo rm -Rf ./filename, but it persists.
Is there any other way to delete persistent files?
If you wanted to delete the folder and not the filename.iso then use
rm -r DeleteThisFolder/
f=force, so only use that iif your 100% sure of what your doing. It will delete everything if you make a mistake with sudo in front of the command
If I can’t delete the file, how can I delete the folder? The output is folder not empty.
Sorry, buddy. I really appreciate your hint, but I already tried this way.
Nope, usually just an unmount.
So given the screenshots, that the external is NTFS, this is something that I have run across before, and something that occurs because of the fact that the NTFS specifications still have some Mickeysoft proprietary magic in them, making some functions hit and miss. Try running a fsck on a failed boot NTFS partition from Linux; it cannot, only MS’s craptastic OSes can do so.
So I guess the ISO was put onto the disk under windows?
Glad you got it sorted.