How to change the default Breeze wallpaper. How to remove blur from the lock screen?


  1. I use Breeze Twilight as my desktop theme.
    Yes, I can change my wallpaper to any picture, but when Breeze goes back to default settings, I see that Red Tree.
    What I’d like to do is to change the default Breeze wallpaper from Red Tree to my own picture.
    Is it possible?
    I’ve heard, there is some app, but I don’t like to use apps. I prefer to change some config file or to change the default image in the right folder.
    I changed the default image file in the following folder to the custom one (using the same name and extention).
    It didn’t help.

  2. How to remove blur from the lock screen (I use KDE)?

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I changed images in /images and /images_dark folders - the result is negative.

Ad 1
It needs further testing but try editing
kate .config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc
find Wallpaper and insert line immutability=1
and before applying global theme change do not check ‘Desktop and window layout’
Ad 2
Only login screen is blurred at unlocking with me.

Thanks. I will try Ad 1.

I have no such a folder and a file neither in home nor in root

It seems, I solved the problem # 2.
I opened
/usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/Main.qml file and switched off all the section like follows:

// WallpaperFader {
// visible: config.type === “image”
// anchors.fill: parent
// state: loginScreenRoot.uiVisible ? “on” : “off”
// state: loginScreenRoot.uiVisible ? “on”
// visible: true
// source: wallpaper
// mainStack: mainStack
// footer: footer
// clock: clock
// }
IF THIS WAY IS BARBARIC, please, show me the right aristocratic way to remove blur from the SDDM lock (or welcome) screen where we insert password.


my background wallpaper is called 52.jpeg
find . -type f -exec grep -H '52.jpeg' {} \;
shows the files which include it

OK. If you set a custom wallpaper, the folder, maybe, is created automatically. My problem is how to change the default Breeze wallpaper inside Breeze not by using a custom one.

@novice24, How do you mean inside Breeze? If not in then …
I replaced
/usr/share/wallpapers/Next/contents/images/1920x1080.png with the desired one.
and in images_dark directory as well.
YMMV aka Your Resolution May Vary.

I replaces both images: Light and Dark - no way.

According to the resolution of your display. See your display settings.
What is the size of your ‘non-custom’ custom wallpaper?

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SH :heart:T!
Why did I think my resolution is 1920x1080.png?
It is 1920x1200.png!~
I will try again and report back. )

So everything works!
My mistake was I changes the wrong image.
All the default Breeze backgrounds are stored in the following folder:

  1. We shall find an image in that folder which size is equal to our monitor size.
    In my case it is the file 1920x1200.png
  2. Change the name of this file just to keep the original
    sudo mv /usr/share/wallpapers/Next/contents/images/1920x1200.png /usr/share/wallpapers/Next/contents/images/1920x1200old.png
    Repeat for images_dark folder (I’m not sure if it’s needed)
    sudo mv /usr/share/wallpapers/Next/contents/images_dark/1920x1080.png /usr/share/wallpapers/Next/contents/images_dark/1920x1200old.png
  3. Prepare your own file and copy it to the wallpapers folder
    sudo cp /home/yourhomefolder/yourimage.png /usr/share/wallpapers/Next/contents/images/1920x1200.png
    Repeat for images_dark folder (I’m not sure if it’s needed)
    sudo cp /home/yourhomefolder/yourimage.png /usr/share/wallpapers/Next/contents/images_dark/1920x1200.png
  4. Reload your session.

Thank you so much!
You saved me a LOT of time. )))
THE LESSON is as follows (as usual):

  1. If you computer stops working and does not respond at all, please, check if it is plugged in to the power line.
  2. If yes, check if the start button on the front is pressed.
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But system area belongs to system. It seems it is overwritten although I didn’t updated.

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