How remove text from luks prompt?

Where is the prompt coming from? Is it your plymouth theme?

Also, which text are you referring to?

Hello, you was recommended from telegram :slight_smile: yes watch_dogs plymouth what is weird on fedora 41 system with dracut only box showing without any text, only if i press esc can see similiar text just different uuids. This text under box “Please enter passphrase for disk…”

this fedora 41 :frowning:

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I want remove this text from eos

tried but no luck:
ask_for_password --ply-tries 5 \

--ply-cmd "$luks_open -T1 $device $luksname" \

--ply-prompt "Password ($device)" \

--tty-tries 1 \

--tty-cmd "$luks_open -T5 -t $_timeout $device $luksname"

ask_for_password --ply-tries 5 \

--ply-cmd "$luks_open -T1 $device $luksname" \

--ply-prompt "" \

--tty-tries 1 \

--tty-cmd "$luks_open -T5 -t $_timeout $device $luksname"

I resolved this issue a long time ago.

Delete the files /usr/lib/plymouth/label*, then rebuild your initramfs.
Afterward, configure pacman.conf to blacklist these files to prevent them from being reinstalled during Plymouth updates. NoExtract = usr/lib/plymouth/label*


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