How Linux changed my life

This post is meant in a lighthearted, jokingly manner, but it’s about the pervasive, albeit not entirely false, stereotypes surrounding tech-guys, particularly those who use Linux. These stereotypes often portray them as autistic or socially deprived, and it’s intriguing to note that they are even popular among other Linux users. I’d like to share my positive Linux adventure story to counter these views.
I think I first installed Linux Mint on a virtual machine back in either 2015 or 2017. For the most part, I used it as a sort of plaything or for safety reasons when I needed to check things that I didn’t want to risk outside of the VM.
In 2020, I applied to a computer engineering bachelor’s program. Between 2015 and 2020, I had been using Windows 7 on my system. Prior to that, I used Windows 8 on a laptop and still have a few systems with Windows 10. I didn’t particularly care for any of them, including Windows 11 now. I had this sinking feeling that the era of Windows 7 was coming to an end. Rather than forcing myself to use a newer version of Windows that I knew I wouldn’t enjoy, I decided to give Linux a chance as my main operating system.

At first, I tried Linux Mint with Cinnamon and then Mate. It’s a well-crafted and clean system, but I was really turned off by the fact that most of the software in the repositories is outdated by 2-3 years or more. So, after a few days of tinkering, I switched to Manjaro. I initially tried Cinnamon and Mate versions just like on Mint. Cinnamon was unexpectedly the buggiest of the two. After that, I tried KDE Plasma, which was love at first sight.
After using Manjaro for 7-9 months at home and being forced to use Ubuntu on the university PCs, I decided to switch to Arch Linux. I didn’t understand the purpose of using Manjaro with its artificial separation from its predecessor, especially considering it had almost no advantages. On the downside, most online solutions and help are tailored for Vanilla Arch, but because Manjaro is unique, these solutions might not always work.

Around the same time, I discovered some YouTube videos that discussed the best Arch distros. I believe there were also some comparisons with Artix, which looked promising due to its straightforward installation and variety of init-systems to choose from. The problem was that Artix’s community was much smaller than Manjaro’s, and the chances of getting Artix-specific help, as opposed to Arch, were slim.
Another selling point for EndeavourOS was its small but very active and friendly community, combined with the fact that you’ll be part of the Arch community because EOS is very close to Vanilla Arch. That sealed the deal for me.
Since then, I’ve been using EndeavourOS all the time – at home, at university on my laptop, for gaming (both alone and in couch COOP mode with my family), and for work.

Here’s the “funny” part about how Linux has impacted my life during this period though it’s obviously wasn’t solely responsible for these changes, but still:

  • I lost weight, going from 125kg to 79kg. Given that my height is 178cm, that’s a transition from XXX/XXL clothes to M and occasionally even S.
  • I switched from a field I didn’t particularly enjoy (Geology) to one I prefer more(Computer Engineering). I hope to secure a spot to switch back to Biology/Biotechnology, which I studied in Russia.
  • I learned a new language: Spanish.
  • I made many new friends and met a lot of classmates. Sadly, I lost many good ones back in 2019 after moving to Spain
  • I found a woman who I love and who seems to adore me even more.
  • I regained my faith in God (Orthodox Christianity).
  • I experimented with bald haircuts for a while, even though it seems my genetics decided that being a Linux YouTuber wasn’t for me. At least now, my beard and head hair seem to be growing in nicely.
  • I’ve finally overcome my depression and suicidal thoughts.


That is really impressive, congrats on that. I lost a lot of weight and got in-shape a few years ago and it is has made my life a lot better in many ways.


Thanks, I’m happy for you as well. I finally realized that I had truly changed when I was able to lie on my back without feeling like my own weight was trying to crush my ribcage.

Interestingly, I found out that the founder of PopOS had a similar struggle with obesity and academic challenges. He now appears to be quite content with both his personal life and business. I don’t have my own business, but thank God (and perhaps Linux too), my family’s business is on the rise, even though not too long ago we were struggling just to pay the monthly electricity and water bills.
LibreOffice/OnlyOffice have proven themselves very efficient when dealing with large quantities of important documents. Krita has also demonstrated its capabilities in editing real-estate photos, creating logos, and more, performing just as well as Photoshop.


Congratulations! This is quite something!!!

When you have achieved something like this which not many are able to do in a comparable situation it gives you the confidence to achieve basically anything.


Thank you for your encouraging words!
Indeed, after winning such significant battles with my inner demons, it becomes easier to confront both smaller and larger problems on the path to future achievements.


That’s quite a lot! Now, what I REALLY need to know is… what’s the command in EOS to lose 46kg off of one of my extra asses? :rofl: :wink:


paccache -r :rofl:

 sudo rm obesity.json  

But to put it simply, you can’t trick the laws of thermodynamics and spontaneously create mass. Therefore, calorie deficiency is your best ally. In my experience, other crucial factors included using Lifesum or any other calorie tracking app, employing kitchen scales, and cultivating the habit of weighing and counting every snack, every piece of fruit, and essentially everything I consumed. Regular weigh-ins in the morning and evening, as well as entering this data into a Google Sheets table, were also part of my routine.

Additionally, I highly recommend regularizing your sleep schedule, as lack of sleep can drastically increase your hunger. I would advise against rushing to the gym during the first months. Most of my weight loss occurred during gentle walks around the city or, even better, in nature. At least in my case, vigorous gym workouts tended to increase my hunger disproportionately to the calories I burned.

And there you have it, the formula for success: calorie deficiency, diligent data collection, and regular tracking of your personal stats. I also found that daily prayer and maintaining healthy relationships were significantly beneficial.

Here’s my Lifesum streak statistics: I started using the app several months before my weight loss journey began. However, once I got into it, I used it consistently, logging in 738 days in a row.