How do you guys learn linux?

There is this phenomenon, not sure how widespread, but I think it contributes to your perception of this forum. Let’s say I suddenly have an issue with my system, so I google the heck out of it until I find a solution which I try to understand. In the process I learn a lot about that particular part of the system. Now, every day people ask questions regarding this or that, but at one point along comes one user that asks about something related to the issue I just learned to solve. So I answer in great detail. This makes me look very knowledgeable, but in fact it’s just that little corner of the system that has bugged me enough to learn about it that I master. I still know little about vast areas of the system.

This again, is my case. I don’t know how much it applies to others, but I assume I’m not alone in this.


I find the best place to start is conceptually understanding the Linux boot process.

The wikipedia entry is more generic, the arch wiki entry more specific.

Once you understand this conceptually you can research which package(s) implement which steps in the boot process and read up in the arch wiki if you want a deeper knowledge.

Bottom line is if you really want to learn something you will, persistence is the key. There is no magic bullet.


Just like you won’t learn new languages by just reading books or watching videos.

You gotta use it everyday.


Learning Linux is for the most part just unlearning Windows.

I just install a Linux distro and start to use it, coz that’s what it’s made for, no? If I run into problems I ask around until I get a solution. I then will apply that solution and once it works I instantly forget about it.

Sorry, I just can’t memorize all those geeky terminal commands.


As others have said, immersion is the key. Sometimes, necessity begets learning. I learned how to write Arch PKGBUILDs because I got fed up of not being able to use the software I want on my Pinebook Pro. I learned a lot about being a Sys Admin when I got pushed into the role in my previous job.


I’m just playing around doing stupid things. So I’m learning!


I just use it normally, but explore when I have spare time like how to navigate via terminal, how to configure .config, etc.

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Wait to run into a problem, ask here, repeat and learn :smiley:


Neither can I. So I use zim as my external brain. Just keep a copy of zim’s data in a safe place or you might end up losing your mind! :grimacing:



One thing i don’t do is RTFM. :rofl:


One of the primary means for learning Linux (and/or terminal) that I have used is to:

  1. Think of something you wish it did for you.
  2. See if you can create something in bash that does that thing. Then, break down what you want into as many small steps as you can figure.
  3. Write a ‘pseudo-code’ version of the task being completed. Like:
Ask user for constraints (date range or keyword)
display lines that match constraints
  1. Try to figure each item in turn, to make it a bash command file. Use man , or search for “how to xxxxx Linux” or “how to xxxxx bash” and borrow any relevant help that turns up.
  2. Put it all together, and you have a new ‘reminder’ file display script!
  3. Apply method to whatever you ACTUALLY have a use for :grin: I wrote a little goody that loaded and displayed album art, and playing info for current track (time to go, time gone, track num etc) - that eventually evolved into a conky instead - but the method works!

Good luck.

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I wish i knew more about bash. :cry: :turtle:


Well, just wishing it won’t make it happen, you have to do something about it. Specifically, you have to write Bash scripts. There are thousands of written tutorials and books about Bash, so there is really no excuse not to learn it, if that is what you want. Just don’t fall into the trap of reading tutorials and not writing scripts yourself. Reading is good, but you have to put to practice what you read about in order for the knowledge to stick.


Uh, Zim?


Thank you but that’s not for me. No matter how nicely arranged I’d still gotta read boring computer stuffz. Would potentially be good for other, more worthwile projects. For example for when I’ll finally finish my Science Fiction Novel of the 21st Century, which is - after working on it since 1993 - a totally unhinged trilogy/collection of confuzzled sketches. :scream_cat:


I’m going to add a few here, some that perhaps get missed.

  • Make notes, lots of them. I use Zim Wiki. If you’re using a new system, whatever it is, there are things you’re not going to know how to do - once you do, write your process down. It’s part of learning, and will help you whether you’re using Linux or any other platform.

  • Use the right tool for the right job. You’ve literally just started, a couple of months is a blip in the scale of your life, some of us have been doing this since the 90’s, the only difference is the experience and understanding time has given us. It also comes with an element of reflection, that a singular focus on one platform isn’t always the best way to go. Don’t try and shoehorn your work into one tool or platform if it’s not the right fit for you. It’s an operating system, not a religion.

  • Make mistakes, and fix them. Whether those mistakes are intentional or accidental, document your fixes. Where appropriate, post them to techical forums, - this one or others. As much as you learned from searching online, others will benefit from your experience too. It works both ways.

  • Never stop learning. After over twenty years, I’m still learning, still finding new ways to make things easier, better. There will be times when you want to just get **** done. There will be times when you just want to tinker. Know the difference and know that both are acceptable as a learning process.

  • Be kind. Never forgot how you started, or the kindness offered to you, return it to others in their own journey.


I came to Linux from MacOS which is a unix-like OS and as such has much in common with Linux. My only suggestion would be to use the Terminal everyday for doing almost everything. If you came from Windows, stop using the GUI for simple things and learn the Command Line, sloowly.


LOL, you’re so kewl … :roll_eyes:

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I’d say just use it as your daily. My favorite way of learning is basically just set a goal for example a project, and then see if you can figure it out as you try to accomplish said goal. When you stumble upon something you don’t know, google the question, search on YouTube etc. or if you can’t find an answer ask right here on the forum!

As you progress in your knowledge of Linux, you might even find yourself trying to challenge yourself a bit. Like trying to install main-line Arch in a VM, or configure your own window manager. The great community with Endeavour OS and the stuff behind it, was what drew me towards it, comming from PopOS, ubuntu way back in the day, Solus, Void, mainline Arch etc.

Like other users have said, try avoid re-installing; you learn more from trying to solve the problem you have with the OS, rather than just reinstalling like you would with windows, for example.