How do I proceed to accept/continue an update after typing the yay command?

Hi all friends.

I am learning how to use the yay command on my newly installed EndeavourOS, I have updated the mirrors (the first 2 buttons of the EndeavourOS tutorial).

So I typed the yay command in terminal to update the 2 repos. I typed my password when it asked me, and this text appeared. On Ubuntu and Fedora I get a confirmation and have to type [y/N] to continue/proceed with the installation, or cancel it.

But here I don’t get the [y/N]. What should I do to finish the installation? (I closed the terminal while the command was running yay, because I don’t know what to do, I hope this didn’t cause any problems)

The text I get is this, but I don’t know what I should do since my English is bad, but I want to keep my EndeavourOS in English to learn more this way.

Thanks in advance.

[mylinux@mylinux ~]$ yay

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

For security reasons, the password you type will not be visible.

[sudo] password for mylinux: 
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 endeavouros is up to date
 core                                  131,8 KiB  1267 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
 extra                                   8,3 MiB  28,2 MiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
 multilib                              141,5 KiB  1361 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
:: Searching AUR for updates...
:: Searching databases for updates...
:: 24 packages to upgrade/install.
24  core/fakeroot              1.31-2                   -> 1.32-1
23  core/groff                 1.23.0-1                 -> 1.23.0-2
22  core/grub                  2:2.06.r591.g6425c12cd-1 -> 2:2.12rc1-1
21  core/linux                 6.4.2.arch1-1            -> 6.4.3.arch1-1
20  core/linux-headers         6.4.2.arch1-1            -> 6.4.3.arch1-1
19  core/systemd               253.5-2                  -> 253.6-2
18  core/systemd-libs          253.5-2                  -> 253.6-2
17  core/systemd-resolvconf    253.5-2                  -> 253.6-2
16  core/systemd-sysvcompat    253.5-2                  -> 253.6-2
15  extra/alsa-card-profiles   1:0.3.73-1               -> 1:0.3.73-2
14  extra/firefox              115.0.1-1                -> 115.0.2-1
13  extra/fwupd                1.9.2-2                  -> 1.9.3-1
12  extra/gst-plugin-pipewire  1:0.3.73-1               -> 1:0.3.73-2
11  extra/inxi                      ->
10  extra/libpipewire          1:0.3.73-1               -> 1:0.3.73-2
 9  extra/mesa                 23.1.3-1                 -> 23.1.3-2
 8  extra/pipewire             1:0.3.73-1               -> 1:0.3.73-2
 7  extra/pipewire-alsa        1:0.3.73-1               -> 1:0.3.73-2
 6  extra/pipewire-audio       1:0.3.73-1               -> 1:0.3.73-2
 5  extra/pipewire-jack        1:0.3.73-1               -> 1:0.3.73-2
 4  extra/pipewire-pulse       1:0.3.73-1               -> 1:0.3.73-2
 3  extra/xorg-server          21.1.8-1                 -> 21.1.8-2
 2  extra/xorg-server-common   21.1.8-1                 -> 21.1.8-2
 1  extra/xterm                383-1                    -> 384-1
==> Packages to exclude: (eg: "1 2 3", "1-3", "^4" or repo name)
 -> Excluding packages may cause partial upgrades and break systems

Just type Enter.

The prompt is asking for input if you would like to exclude any packages from the update (by typing in the corresponding number). If you would like to update everything, just press Enter without identifying any packages to exclude.


Oh so I don’t have to wait for any confirmation, I just have to press enter, always after this message appears:

==> Packages to exclude: (eg: "1 2 3", "1-3", "^4" or repo name)
 -> Excluding packages may cause partial upgrades and break systems

Got it, thanks for the solution friend, and sorry for the dumb question!

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This may be of interest to you.


Sorry to bother you again, I have a doubt that is surely silly.

When asked whether or not to continue the installation with [Y/n], does it make a difference if you type uppercase “Y” or lowercase “y”?

I’ve been wondering about this seeing that Arch uses “-S” and “-s”, and wondering if this applies to this as well.

Although I think it is the same for all distros, but I want to make sure.

Thanks again!

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Thanks friend, I’ve bookmarked it, I’ll read it all tonight, I’m sure this will help me a lot!

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The uppercase letter indicates what the default selection will be if you press Enter without typing any letter at all.

In other words, if it says “[Y/n]” and you press Enter without typing a letter it will automatically choose “Y” for you. If it says “[y/N]” and you press Enter without typing a letter it will automatically choose “N” for you.

As for actually typing the letters, they can be upper- or lower-cased when you type them–it makes no difference.

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Omg, you’re right, I’ve also seen [y/N] in Ubuntu or Fedora (can’t remember).

It makes sense and it’s very interesting, so I’m always going to put a lowercase “y”, it’s easier for me and it’s what I’ve always used, plus it will always be safer than pressing enter if an uppercase N appears.

Thanks again for solving this question!

Usually things are case sensitive. On some cases, like a question having [y/N] alternatives, it is case insensitive because of the reason explained above.

So, for example, in commands like

sudo pacman -Syu
yay -Syu

the capital S is needed if you want to update packages.

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