How do I access mouse settings from GUI or from the terminal?

I want to change the primary button of the mouse, as well as of the touchpad, e.g. from left to right. I’ve found only Mice section in Removable Drives and Media>>Input Devices. Not much settings there, though. I recall that I was able to do it in Debian Xfce from some sort of “settings in GUI” app.
Alternatively, can it be done from the terminal?
Are such setting in GUI available in other community editions of EOS?

Those settings are part of XFCE - under “Mouse and Touchpad”. Pic attached.

The Settings Manager on a default EnOS install is available also as the leftmost icon when you open the (whisker) menu - as well as in the Settings subset of the menu.



Those settings are part of XFCE - under “Mouse and Touchpad”.
I recall them from Debian Xfce. They are absent, nor is present the settings
manager. I have no whisker menu but a little rocket - the leftwmost icon

When I look for anything Xfce-related, that is all that I have:

And these are the only settings-related apps that I have:

No trace of the settings manager that you referred to.
I have not stated this openly in my question, but let me stress this now - I have EOS community edition (Sway). The question is tagged with the sway label, and the issue that I’m facing may not be present in other flavours of EOS.

:pray: for answer .i on move + on mobile . sway wiki help you

" "

input <device name> {
    left_handed enabled
    tap enabled
    natural_scroll disabled
    dwt enabled
    accel_profile "flat" # disable mouse acceleration (enabled by default; to set it manually, use "adaptive" instead of "flat")
    pointer_accel 0.5 # set mouse sensitivity (between -1 and 1)

See man 5 sway-input for all available options.



Now that we know it is sway (please try not to use photos). There is no GUI way to do it. You need to follow here:

Sway just uses some applications from XFCE like the terminal and thunar.