How can I remove Steam completely?

I have decided to get a grip on my life without Steam from now on. My question: What do I have to do to completely remove Steam from my system, except:

sudo pacman -Rns steam
sudo pacman -R lib32-vulkan-icd-loader
sudo paccache -ruk0
sudo pacman -R $(pacman -Qdtq)

and all the steam folders in my home directory.

Vulkan & Mesa remain installed on the system, but I no longer need 32-bit packages.

Delete this


There may also be some files left over in .config and .cache, also some games store information in other places too

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Thanks, that’s all taken care of, I was thinking more of packages that are still floating around under /root, but the orphan search should have cleaned them up already.

A more thorough command would have been:

sudo pacman -Rcns steam

The addition of the c argument removes “all target packages, as well as all packages that depend on one or more target packages” (from the manual).

To remove unused dependencies (orphan packages):

yay -Yc

I don’t think there would be. Anything actually installed by steam will be under your home folder


thanks @smokey & @Bink , that helps me a lot :+1:


As a side note maybe do what I do and keep a small text file and save these commands and what they do for future reference (I do this for most of what I do) and when removing the packages take note of what is being removed so that if anything does go wrong it is easier to pinpoint what it may be.


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