Hot to correctly install TTF font in XFCE environment

No GUI settings was noticed so i’ve tried to copy font to /usr/local/share/fonts/ in sudo mode, but system forbids to do this, showing greyed out paste option.

Amy suggestions?

If you mean using Thunar as root, use pkexec instead of sudo.

The best way to install fonts is using yay :

yay ttf-

This will give you enough results. :slightly_smiling_face:

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That was new to me.

I wan’t to install Nachlieli ttf font, and unfortunately it can’t be found in such plethora of font packages [> 1000]. I use ctrl+shift+f to search terminal output, but without any luck.

However, i’ve managed to copy needed ttf to fonts folder,but how can i initialize it, so it could be visible globally for example in LibreOffice or VS Code? Problem solved, thanks Vazicebon!

i installed font-manager, a gui way to manage fonts

If you want the font to be used system wide (all users) copy it to /usr/share/fonts if it’s a directory or /usr/share/fonts/TTF for .ttf files. For your user only, put them in ~/.local/share/fonts.
And don’t forget to rebuild the font cache :


(not needed when using yay)


Thanks a lot for detailed explanations!

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