Horizon Zero Dawn quirky game play

It may be old news, but I thought I would share a fix for a screen freeze problem I used to get every time I try to run Horizon Zero Dawn. Apparently it s a common problem with this game. I start game in Steam. Before I continue game play I go to game settings. (This is every time I run game). I go to display settings, and change to Windowed mode. I click apply. I then immediately change to Borderless (window) mode, and also apply setting. (I have only been able to play game in borderless window mode). I do not make any other settings changes. If I do not do this every time I play game the screen will freeze within 5 to 30 seconds into game play, and it actually requires a hard reboot. Also concerning this game, to quit, I need to stop it through Steam; not through the game. If I exit through the game that also crashes system, and requires a hard reboot to get out of it. I run game on a 4k 65" OLED TV @3840 x 2160 resolution. GPU is a RTX 3070. Upscaled method is FidelityFX Super Resolution and Upscale Quality is Balanced. I have 147 hours on game so far…

If all else fails, you may want to downgrade drivers.

The problems I had with HZD began with nvidia 515.48.07; those were DLSS-specific problems (black third of the screen after displaying map).

It got worse at some point after that, and, having played again recently, I have experienced consistent crashes, usually shortly after entering gameplay, as you describe. They are fairly easy to provoke by changing upscaling method repeatedly. I observed them with a 3070 and a 4070.

Most of my playtime was with 3070+515.43.04, and it was flawless.

I hope you don’t mean “shut the whole computer down with the off button”; there are less drastic options that work for this, such as, by order of ascending severity, CTRL+ALT+ESC+click on window in KDE, CTRL+ALT+Fx + top + kill -9, CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE (if activated; kills whole desktop), REISUB (if activated), etc.

As of today, I can’t reproduce any of the problems I had with HZD, whether crashes or DLSS weirdness with the map.

That’s from a few minutes of intense testing, changing display options etc, not genuine gameplay, mind.