Honestly considering throwing the towel in

I don’t know why you’re installing this if you want tvheadend.

And, if you want tvheadend then I don’t know why you wouldn’t just follow the Arch wiki page: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Tvheadend

Then, if you don’t understand something, or something doesn’t work as expected, you can ask people for help with that.

This reminds me of the many threads all over the Web essentially saying “Linux sucks because my wifi doesn’t work and noone ever helps me - prove me wrong” and then a load of people jump in to provide step-by-step help.

You’re right that Linux has a learning curve and it doesn’t work like Windows. Some would way that’s a feature.

An Arch derivative isn’t really a starter distro - Ubuntu or Mint would be a better bet. There are fewer moving parts, the parts that move do so less regularly, and many companies directly support Ubuntu derivatives so there is less need for tweaking.

However, one of the great things about Arch is that you have to deal with everything, so you have to understand what your system is doing. That means you always know what is happening and why, so there are no should be no surprises.