Hi guys new user here!

I was on manjaro earlier. I think it’s still the best distro for someone getting into arch-based distros but manjaro forum guys are very strict and they’ll lock you for no reason whatsoever. I love endeavour os so far. Just changing some purple to blue :wink:

Also is there any chance endeavour makes a dwm rice spin like arco??

Also there is this 3 button option in manjaro forum to view who have liked the post:


where is that in endevaour??


Welcome to the forum @archbtw :partying_face::tada:


Welcome archbtw.

I’ve been using EndeavourOS for a year now, and can safely say the forum here is one of the friendliest and helpful resources you’ll ever find, anywhere,



Welcome to EnOS’ forum!


Thanks guys

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Welcome to the Purple Neighborhood! :enos: :enos_flag: :milky_way:

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Gobble gobble!


Hello welcome!

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Hello, welcome and congratulations on your move to :enos:

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Welcome to the community :beers:

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Welcome to the forum!

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Hello! I also came here from Manjaro, just to experience the difference and to get a slightly more barebones experience after having sort of learned some of the ropes (an ongoing process). Also I have a favorite application in the AUR which was having dependency issues which I didn’t want to wait for 2-4 weeks to be resolved while Manjaro caught up. I’ll be interested to see what challenges I meet on en Endeavor - doubtless most will be of my own making.

Greetings from the UK.


Welcome to the purple side. Hope you find the going easier…

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welcome to Endeavouros …

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welcome and enjoy your stay here

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How did you find the change to EnOS? Why did you switch back to Manjaro?



Not switched yet but…

I like all 3 distros arch (good root distro, package manager, wiki)

manjaro - support for older kernels for long time like 5.4 lts, many aur packages in the official repo and the testing branch is great for me (stable is actually unstable and always breaks after update). Also i like the kde version of manjaro better then any other kde distro.

endevour- eos is a good distro with the best community compared to most forums. people will respond if the question is highly noobie or highly controversional and no one’s getting baned. eos as a distro is confusing and i don’t like that. it comes with a GUI installer and when it comes to a gui package manager suddenly it is a terminal centeric distro. That’s why it lies between arch and manjaro. eos people has so much issues with pamac which i understand why becuase pamac’s top most prirority is manjaro but then why doesn’t the eos develepers make a gui package manager if they have a giu installer. That;s the only reason why i haven’t switched yet.

eos-installer = arch and i am ready to install the arch way then because the differences are limited exception the community ofc.

You could perhaps install Arch the arch way, install Pamac from AUR and stay here for the community.


do what work for you… no more need say .