Help with Optimus-Manager on Laptop

Hello everyone! Thanks for taking a second to read my post. Here is my issue:

I’m running Gnome 42 on the latest EndeavourOS, and everything was working swimmingly. I had installed Nvidia-Optimus and was able to switch between hybrid and nvidia without issues. However, one day I was gaming on my TV and had switched to the Nvidia card so that I could use the TV via the HDMI port. It worked just fine, displaying both the integrated laptop monitor as well as the secondary monitor (the TV).

I think the issue arises here: I switched OFF the integrated as to only display on the TV…but after the next reboot, I no longer can use the integrated laptop screen when switching to the Nvidia profile. I see the login screen but after logging in all I get is a black screen…I’ve never had this issue before.

I’ve already made sure that I have GDM-prime installed on the machine and I’m also sure that I’m logging into an X session instead of Wayland.

Anyone have any idea how to make it recognize my laptop screen when going to the Nvidia profile? I would have tried to run Xrandr to see if it even sees the integrated monitor but I can’t get a display to run the command.

Did you use the display settings to disable the laptop panel?

I’d suggest just connecting it to an external display and enabling it again.

I’m sorry I forgot to mention that in my original post. The monitor no longer displays as an option in the display settings with an external plugged in

The computer acts as if the external display is the only display