Help with installing Ruby on Rails

I have spent the past two days installing RoR and sadly, there are no tutorials out there that (still) work.
After installing half a dozen dependencies manually (my mirror might have issues), I still get this error when running yay -S ruby-rails
The error msg is:
==> ERROR: Could not resolve all dependencies.
→ error making: ruby-activemodel

If anyone happens do be a RoR dev then PLEASE write a quick tut on how to install it on EndeavourOS.
I believe that many users would find such a guide very helpful. Thans!

Not an RoR dev, but have you tried using Gem?

yay -S ruby
gem install rails --no-document

This runs successfully for me, although I don’t know how I can test whether the installation actually works.

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I think that my issue might be with setting the path?
Here is the error I get when I run what you posted:

ARNING: You don’t have /home/—username—/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.0.0/bin in your PATH,
gem executables will not run.
Successfully installed rails-7.0.1
1 gem installed

I’ve previously (and just now again) run:
export PATH="$PATH:$GEM_HOME/bin"
rt GEM_HOME="$(ruby -e ‘puts Gem.user_dir’)"

AHA! the problem might be solved after all. I’ll do a few tests and update but in case I get too excited to thank you then let me say “THANK YOU” flyingcakes!

OK, so after I ONCE AGAIN exported the path(s), I’ve closed and reopened the terminal and voila, I was able to create a test app and run the server. The thought of becoming an Ubuntu user scared me enough to come on here and ask.
Now I have a project to break :wink:

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