Help using conky

OK–changed the color profiles for the .png images (used GIMP), and that fixed that issue.

dean@x299designareex:~/Desktop$ /home/dean/.conky/
dean@x299designareex:~/Desktop$ conky: desktop window (40008d) is subwindow of root window (396)
conky: window type - desktop
conky: drawing to created window (0x1800002)
conky: drawing to double buffer
conky: desktop window (40008d) is subwindow of root window (396)
conky: window type - desktop
conky: drawing to created window (0x3c00002)
conky: drawing to double buffer
conky: desktop window (40008d) is subwindow of root window (396)
conky: window type - desktop
conky: drawing to created window (0x3e00002)
conky: drawing to double buffer
conky: desktop window (40008d) is subwindow of root window (396)
conky: window type - desktop
conky: drawing to created window (0x4200002)
conky: drawing to double buffer


I think we’re putting in more work than it’s worth! I tried to convert them, and mogrify them and so on - but I hadn’t gone to GIMP yet :grin: Judging by your screenshots, though, they need more than that! (on hi-res anyway). Maybe I’ll give it another shot later, but the World series is on too…

Yes–I’m done…I’m not going to optimize the .pngs to look better. As far as I am concerned…it works & that’s good for me. Learned a couple of new things & that’s good.

Too bad it’s The Braves and Houston Cheaters.

I’m just watching football. Baseball was over for me when the Dodgers AND Sox both lost. . . there was no reason to watch anymore after that.

Actually I find a strange fascination with this matchup - I don’t particularly like either team! I like Alex Anthopolous (Braves GM - used to be ours), and I admire his work - but the ‘tomahawk chop’ there leaves me cold. Houston did cheat without much consequence - but most of those players are gone now, and it’s 4 years ago… Hard to choose! So far I’ll settle for max entertainment - 7 games of foulups, tension and unpredictability.

Of course, the Toronto Blue Jays SHOULD have been there - had more adversity than anyone and only missed by a single point (to BOTH Yanks and Red Sox) after playing in the same division as 3 teams that DID make the playoffs. Now that would have been fun to watch! :grin: