Hello, I do not understand the output after a yay-Sua

hello, I do not understand the output after a yay-Sua

yay -Sua

yay -Sua                                                                         
:: Durchsuche AUR für Updates...
 -> Fehlende AUR Pakete:  kalarmcal
 -> Fehlende AUR Debug-Pakete:   libkipi-debug
es gibt nichts zu tun

what does this mean and how can I fix it?

These packages seem to have been dropped from the repos.

Most probably they were installed as dependencies of other packages that are not dependent on them anymore.

Since the package management system doesn’t discover them in the repos, it “assumes” that they are foreign packages installed from AUR (or elsewhere). It won’t find them in AUR either hence the message.

Check with pactree -r

pactree -r kalarmcal


pactree -r libkipi-debug

I assume that they won’t output anything. Then it is safe to remove them from your system.

Tips: LANG=C before any commands in terminal will result in an output in English.
LANG=C pacman -Qi kalarmcal


Ok thank you, I have understood that
This is the output. does this mean I can safely remove this with pacman -R ?

pactree -r kalarmcal                                                                         
pactree -r libkipi-debug                                                                       
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Thank you, it worked like a charm :wink:

sudo pacman -R kalarmcal                                                                   
[sudo] Passwort für swh: 
Abhängigkeiten werden geprüft …

Paket (1)  Alte Version  Netto-Veränderung

kalarmcal  21.12.3-1             -2,05 MiB

Gesamtgröße der entfernten Pakete:  2,05 MiB

:: Möchten Sie diese Pakete entfernen? [J/n] j
:: Paketänderungen werden verarbeitet …
(1/1) Entfernung läuft kalarmcal                                   [------------------------------------] 100%
:: Post-transaction-Hooks werden gestartet …
(1/2) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(2/2) Refreshing PackageKit...

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You’e welcome!
Great you got it resolved!


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