Hello and thank you from a new user and silent forums reader

Hello :slight_smile: :wave:
I just dropped by to say this and to say thank you and introduce myself.
My name is Knut, I am living in Frankfurt am Main in Germany and have switched to EndeavourOS some 6 months ago. I have been using Linux on the server side for several years now, there I am running Debian and Debian-based distros, but I am far from being a Linux buff, though I also tried the Linux Desktop life on and off since Suse 6, I guess? Still have the mug somewhere…
On my private PC I am gaming a lot (a bad habit that pulled me back to MS so many times), so when I decided to leave my Windows for good, I decided to install Tuxedo OS, as it promised the familiar Ubuntu base with a quite modern KDE environment. Sadly, after some months of ups and downs, it did not work out for me, so I searched and ended up with EndeavourOS, and I am very happy. Is all running smoothly? No, but I am making progress step by step and the system is running well, though I am still feeling a bit like a guy trying to hold his grip on a slippery surface.
My issues are almost all due to my lack of experience and knowledge; some issues I still ignore as the whole system is running well enough and way better than on Windows, where I had more grip but just because the allowed path is narrow and spying on you on every step you take. And when anything crashed there, I was without enough tools. Here sometimes I am just not good enough :laughing:
So I learn the new desktop ways step by step. And this is where I wanted to leave a big THANK YOU - for the great documentation on both the Arch and the EndeavourOS-wikis, those brilliant tools making the start way easier than on Arch itself, and for these forums, where I still have to find an issue that was not tackled here, and I have found so many threads where you people answered and helped others with one of the most positive atmospheres I found in the Linux community space.
Now I will return to the Desktop and start figuring out how to create a dependable setup for podcasting on my EndeavourOS system so I can revive another of my projects. See you around, maybe I will encounter an issue not tackled here before or, with more experience, will be able to help somebody else in the far, far future :wink:
Best, the silent reader Knut (now with a wall of text)


Welcome @Stillwater


@Stillwater, welcome to the Purple Family! :enos_flag: :enos:


Welcome @Stillwater to the EndeavourOS forum. :purple_heart: I hope you enjoy your time here.



@Stillwater, your wall of text was a nice read :wink:

I’m sure slippery surfaces will remain but one day your grip will be like the grip of a gecko, or a ninja, and a slippery surface will then be a challenge to be enjoyed…

Have fun the purple way. As legend has it: it’s purple all the way down.


Welcome to the forum!




Welcome to the purple side and the best Linux Distro & Community! :enos_flag: :enos:

And if you run into any issues this forum WILL help you out! :+1:




Welcome to a wonderful community supporting a fabulous Linux/Arch platform. :vulcan_salute:


Welcome to the :enos: forum @Stillwater :enos_flag:


Moin Knut,

ein herzliches Willkommen auch von mir.
Bin selbst vor einem 3/4 Jahr zu EOS gewechselt und habe es noch keine Sekunde bereut.
Da Du hier schon eine Weile mitliest weißt Du ja, daß Du hier eine sehr hilfsbereite und geduldige Community vorfindest.
Hab Spaß

Gruß Ralph