Happy Pride Month! Share Your Hyfetch <3

100% agree.

I’m sure most of the white, male, heterosexual, European / north American, who see their hegemony being challenged by the minorities hitherto being oppressed and now being vocal in vindicating their rights agree with your statement.

Smh, you’re just not worth debating with man. Ganimede said enough but I can already tell you’re not the kind of person to be swayed by logic or reason.

No it is not.

But being the opposite, in many cases and many places, will put you in a rather unfavorable and disadvantageous situation to be treated on equal terms let alone to attain power and influence.

This thread degenerated so quickly LOL! I think it’s best we wrap it up boys. Agree to disagree and move on. Not worth discussing politics on a forum regarding Linux stuff. OP wanted to do their little thing since they’re part of the community celebrated this month and it turned into a war zone because of a person who didn’t knew how to express his disapproval in a respectful manner.

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I see. Make sense, specially in the light of:


Sure, tell that to Barrack Obama lol.

And yeah winnyace, politics do not belong in this space, that’s why shoving them into these communities is such a bad thing. It’s just harming us.

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That’s certainly true, but nowadays politics affects every area of life without exception, at least for people who don’t live on cloud nine. But you’re right, it doesn’t belong here. It’s all the stranger that LGBTQ is being advertised here.

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Yeah, no, that’s BS. Now if a teacher was transgender and they just did their job like a normal person, I doubt people would mind, but like this, yeah, no, I don’t agree with it.


OP seems to be a person from this community, so naturally they would want to do something regarding it since it is important to them. I don’t think that’s a bad thing necessarily. It’s just that it derailed into this for no other reason other than someone didn’t know how to express disapproval in a respectful way.

maybe …

I mean, think about it. You posted something mildly related to Linux here, something you care about, and someone just reacted with a vomit emote to your post and calls people like you “disgusting”. Wouldn’t it be unpleasant for you? I know it would be for me. It happened here before and y’all saw how I reacted. Free speech and all, but being disrespectful like that doesn’t excuse you for being rude. You can disagree with something and still be respectful towards it, I believe.


I’m not in any way proud of how :uk: chemically castrated Alan Turing becuase of his homosexuality. The simple reason the word “pride” is used is that too often and for too long there has been shame cast upon people like him.

Absolute nonsense :roll_eyes:



Yeah “freedom of speech”. Both of you say that, yet both of you didn’t said anything before being call out.

My problem is the fact that you can just ignore the post, its not like the forum don’t have lots of topic to read each day … But no, both of you need to use the same emoji. And you know dam well why :wink:


No, it wouldn’t, because I would never think of making my sexual interests public in an IT forum in any way whatsoever. So nothing can make me uncomfortable.

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You missed the entire point of the exercise. I wanted you to imagine something you personally care about. OP cares about LGBTQ stuff. You care about something else. You share it here or elsewhere for the matter. You receive the same reaction as OP for it. Would you feel unpleasant about it or not?

The fact that this lighthearted post immediately devolved into community members being disrespectful to one another is a disgrace. I have closed this one down because enough is enough.