GUI file manager on Gnome 42?


Artistically, Iā€™m dry like an abandoned well!
But if I get some water/ideas, by some climate change caprice, Iā€™ll PM you.

I donā€™t see this as a good feature personally. You should avoid using root if possible and when you do should be with sudo and not a root terminal. I just CD and sudo from terminal as needed.

Thatā€™s just IMO though

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Nautilus isnā€™t meant to run as root and gnome folks actually say not to do so, so yeah itā€™s a donā€™t.

I think even gnome terminal isnā€™t meant itself to be run as the root user for security reasons.


You mean with something like:

sudo -s
sudo su

As in opening the terminal GUI itself as a root user.

You can call su or sudo within the terminal emulator but the actual GUI isnā€™t running with elevated privledges and shouldnā€™t be.

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Got it! Thanks!
Never occurred to me to that by the way.

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The best file manager as far as root is concerned regardless the distro or de/wm is the terminal. What are people actually looking to do messing with files as root in a gui other then laziness?


Cause other problems by running code as root that wasnā€™t meant to :upside_down_face:

Linux has layers of access control for a reason, GUI apps should never be run as root

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I decided t stay with Gnome File a.k.a. Nautilus, with MC a.k.a. Midnight Commander, to remind me of my age.

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