Grub filesystem Btrfs unkonwn

I am on five year old Pentium netbook with qtile and EndeavourOS (originally Apollo). FS is btrfs (not encrypted).

After trying to installing something via aur and the CPU got stock for several 15 minutes. I turned off the device. Now the system only starts up to grub saving that the file system is unkown.

Hence, I used my old install stick and used the lifesystem to try out:

which both did not work for me.

When I try:

grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sda1
Installing for i386-pc platform.
grub-install: error:cannot open directory `/boot/grub/i386-pc`

For The other one I tried:

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
mount: /mnt:/ wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock, on dev/sda1/ missing codepage or helper program, or other error.
dmesg(1) may have more information after failded system call.

I called sudo dmesg The interessting part is probably:

BTRFS info (device sda1): flagging fs with big metadata
BTRFS info (device sda1): using free space tree
BTRFS info (device sda1): parent transit verify failed on 1075560448 wanted 7925 found 7758
BTRFS info (device sda1): parent transit verify failed on 1075560448 wanted 7925 found 7758
BTRFS info (device sda1): couldn't read tree root
BTRFS info (device sda1): open_ctree failed

Is there a way to repair the system?

That doesn’t look like a grub issue. It looks btrfs filesystem corruption.

In cases like this you probably should talk directly with people who have deep expertise with btrfs. Doing the wrong thing here can make things worse and corrupt your data even more.