Gnome reset

hello party people
i switched to endeavour yesterday after 2 years of vanilla arch and went with gnome at install
turns out its not the stock gnome im used to which i expected for some reason
can someone give guidance on how to completely remove the de and reinstall it with default settings?


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Try this:

First make a full backup of the current state of your desktop with:

dconf dump / > desktop-full-backup

Make sure that a file named desktop-full-backup is really created. Run ls and/or cat desktop-full-backup to view its content.

Remove this package: eos-settings-gnome

sudo pacman -R eos-settings-gnome

Now you can reset all the desktop configurations with:

dconf reset -f /

Please note that this command doesn’t reset just Gnome desktop settings, but also any application that stores its settings using dconf.

See if you can build things up from there.

You could always restore the settings to what was before:

sudo pacman -S eos-settings-gnome

dconf load -f / < desktop-full-backup


Yup, did the job, thanks

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Great, glad to hear that!

Welcome to EnOS’ community @moz !

:enos_flag: :handshake:t5:

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only to add… you can simply deselect the settings package inside installer packages screenn after the DE selection:


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