GNOME 43 is Here. What's Working, What's Not?

There’s only one Arch Gnome maintainer ( Jan Alexander Steffens ) and it always takes about 2-4 weeks after the initial release depending on their schedule and free time to update to the latest Gnome stack. In some cases, they’ll even wait till the first point release before pushing out any update. If you really want Gnome 43 so badly use Fedora 37 Beta or Ubuntu 22.10 daily builds or there’s the unofficial Gnome unstable for Arch maintained by Fabian Bornschein: but my guy take it easy, be patient, eat some broccoli and chill :broccoli:


There is a lot of chatter on the dev channel about the built-in screen capture getting annotation, then I would not need the feature rich flameshot that exceeds my needs.

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I can get that. Had similar thoughts, to be honest, although Gnome and Knome are far away from becoming my daily driver, and they both just don’t get any closer to becoming that, lately.

I run Fedora Rawhide, just bc it (Fedora) runs well on my ole Apple puters. First tried Rawhide for a while in a VM, then on baremetal, just to stay “informed”, running with Gnome43, KDE 5.26, and Kernel 6-rc6, currently. While it is fun to experiment with these things on my systems, I seek to run Xfce in general, as daily driver.

Tried it briefly and it has an old style interface. It’s ok if you like that or its not hard to put some makeup on the old girl.

This is interesting on the rubberbandy thing they have going in Files, or the pill shaped buttons :hushed: hardly breakthrough. Web (Epiphany) is slowly but surely getting there. WebKit is interesting, as my browser identifies as Safari.
This post makes no mention of the screenshot annotation feature. Maybe someone can confirm that it’s in 43 (hotkey) PrtScr.

In any case I am waiting on the (single) Arch maintainer, as long as it takes.

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3 mentions of screenshot in the release notes.

I don’t think screen capture annotation made it into 43. I know there was a lot discussion on it.

PWA is an interesting feature to see how well it is adopted. Web (Epiphany) has a first with add site as an app.

It means there’s a good chance of extensions having been upgraded too, so is probably worth the wait.


Some (not all) of the most downloaded ones are there at 43, already, but quite a few are still missing.

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dash-to-panel working ok, dash-to-dock still has it’s “hangers”… at least on Fedora.

Bitwarden works, so I am happy to use it.

Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-09-21 21-27-46

Taken with Gnome43’s screenshot-button, upper right corner, camera-symbol. No annotations possible yet.

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Oh, so you are a Conky guy :laughing: Lots of info. I always wondered what those empty desktops are used for. Maybe I will give it a try.

Another one…

Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-09-21 21-41-53

Flameshot doesn’t work at all yet, on Gnome43, as there is no way to display the tray-icon yet, when it is running in the background. But hey, these Gnomes gotta be useful for something!


Let me get back to you, Mike, I’ll reboot into my other system and send you my conky.conf from there.

Thanks for the heads up. Isuspected there is a problem with system tray. What about AppIndicator?

Something new to to try :joy:

simple to get latest GNOME for a long time already:


This Xfce-DE:

That conky.conf:


– Config_Settings:
– Config_Variables:

conky.config = {

--Various settings

background = true, 							-- forked to background
cpu_avg_samples = 2,						-- The number of samples to average for CPU monitoring.
diskio_avg_samples = 10,					-- The number of samples to average for disk I/O monitoring.
double_buffer = true,						-- Use the Xdbe extension? (eliminates flicker)
if_up_strictness = 'address',				-- how strict if testing interface is up - up, link or address
net_avg_samples = 2,						-- The number of samples to average for net data
no_buffers = true,							-- Subtract (file system) buffers from used memory?
temperature_unit = 'celsius',				-- fahrenheit or celsius
text_buffer_size = 2048,					-- size of buffer for display of content of large variables - default 256
update_interval = 2,						-- update interval
imlib_cache_size = 0,                       -- disable image cache to get a new spotify cover per song


alignment = 'top_right',					-- top_left,top_middle,top_right,bottom_left,bottom_middle,bottom_right,
											-- middle_left,middle_middle,middle_right,none
--Arch Duoscreen
--gap_x = -1910,
gap_x = 15,									-- pixels between right or left border
gap_y = 0,									-- pixels between bottom or left border
minimum_height = 800,						-- minimum height of window
minimum_width = 420,						-- minimum width of window
maximum_width = 420,						-- maximum width of window


border_inner_margin = 10, 					-- margin between border and text
border_outer_margin = 5, 					-- margin between border and edge of window
border_width = 0, 							-- border width in pixels
default_bar_width = 80,					    -- default is 0 - full width
default_bar_height = 10,					-- default is 6
default_gauge_height = 25,					-- default is 25
default_gauge_width =40,					-- default is 40
default_graph_height = 40,					-- default is 25
default_graph_width = 0,					-- default is 0 - full width
default_shade_color = '#000000',			-- default shading colour
default_outline_color = '#000000',			-- default outline colour
draw_borders = false,						-- draw borders around text
draw_graph_borders = true,					-- draw borders around graphs
draw_shades = false,						-- draw shades
draw_outline = false,						-- draw outline
stippled_borders = 0,						-- dashing the border


extra_newline = false,						-- extra newline at the end - for asesome's wiboxes
format_human_readable = true,				-- KiB, MiB rather then number of bytes
font = 'Roboto Mono:size=10',  				-- font for complete conky unless in code defined
max_text_width = 0,							-- 0 will make sure line does not get broken if width too smal
max_user_text = 16384,						-- max text in conky default 16384
override_utf8_locale = true,				-- force UTF8 requires xft
short_units = true,							-- shorten units from KiB to k
top_name_width = 21,						-- width for $top name value default 15
top_name_verbose = false,					-- If true, top name shows the full command line of  each  process - Default value is false.
uppercase = false,							-- uppercase or not
use_spacer = 'none',						-- adds spaces around certain objects to align - default none
use_xft = true,								-- xft font - anti-aliased font
xftalpha = 1,								-- alpha of the xft font - between 0-1


own_window = true,							-- create your own window to draw
own_window_argb_value = 0,			        -- real transparency - composite manager required 0-255
own_window_argb_visual = true,				-- use ARGB - composite manager required
own_window_colour = '#000000',				-- set colour if own_window_transparent no
own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',  -- if own_window true - just hints - own_window_type sets it
own_window_transparent = false,				-- if own_window_argb_visual is true sets background opacity 0%
own_window_title = 'system_conky',			-- set the name manually  - default conky "hostname"
own_window_type = 'normal',				    -- if own_window true options are: normal/override/dock/desktop/panel


default_color = '#D9DDE2',  				-- default color and border color
color1 = '#FF0000',
color2 = '#3e5570',
color3 = '#cccccc',
color4 = '#D9BC83',
color5 = '#00BFFF',                         --teal
color6 = '#FFFFFF',                         --white

--Signal Colours
color7 = '#C0FF00',  						--green
color8 = '#FFA726',  						--orange
color9 = '#F1544B',  						--firebrick



conky.text = [[
${color6}${voffset 4}${font GE Inspira:size=36}${alignc}${time %H}:${time %M} ${time %p}${font}${color}
${color6}${voffset 4}${font GE Inspira:size=12}${alignc}${time %A}, ${time %e}. ${time %B} ${time %Y}${font}${color}
${color5}${font Roboto:size=10}${voffset 2}S Y S T E M ${hr 2}${font}${color}
${color6}Hostname:${color} ${alignr}${nodename}
${color6}OS: $alignr ${color3}${execi 6000 lsb_release -d| awk ‘{$1=“”; print $0}’}
${color6}Kernel: $alignr ${color3} $kernel
${color6}Uptime:${color} ${alignr}${uptime}

${color5}${font Roboto:size=10}C P U ${hr 2}${font}${color}
${color6}Model:${color} ${alignr}${execi 6000 cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep ‘model name’|sed -e ‘s/model name.*: //’| uniq | cut -c 1-48}
${color6}Frequency:${color} $alignr${freq}MHz
${color6}Usage: ${color} $alignr ${cpu}%
${color}${cpubar cpu0 15,600}
${color6}Core 1:${color} ${alignr}${offset -10}${cpu cpu1}% ${alignr}${cpubar cpu1}
${color6}Core 2:${color} ${alignr}${offset -10}${cpu cpu2}% ${alignr}${cpubar cpu2}
${color6}Core 3:${color} ${alignr}${offset -10}${cpu cpu3}% ${alignr}${cpubar cpu3}
${color6}Core 4:${color} ${alignr}${offset -10}${cpu cpu4}% ${alignr}${cpubar cpu4}
${color8}Top Processes ${goto 350}CPU% ${goto 450}Mem%
${color}${top name 1} ${goto 350}${top cpu 1} ${goto 450}${top mem 1}
${color}${top name 2} ${goto 350}${top cpu 2} ${goto 450}${top mem 2}
${color}${top name 3} ${goto 350}${top cpu 3} ${goto 450}${top mem 3}
${color}${top name 4} ${goto 350}${top cpu 4} ${goto 450}${top mem 4}

${color5}${font Roboto:size=10}G P U ${hr 2}${font}${color}
${color6}Model:${color} ${alignr}${execi 6000 lspci | grep -i --color ‘vga|3d|2d’ | cut -c 65-110}

${color5}${font Roboto:size=10}M E M O R Y ${hr 2}${font}${color}
${color6}Usage ${color3}$memperc% ${goto 300}${color5}Total ${color3}$memmax
${color6}Used ${color3}$mem ${goto 300}${color5}Free ${color3}$memfree
${color}${membar 15,600}
${color8}Top Processes ${goto 350}CPU% ${goto 450}Mem%
${color}${top_mem name 1}${alignr}${goto 350}${top_mem cpu 1} ${goto 450}${top_mem mem 1}
${color}${top_mem name 2}${alignr}${goto 350}${top_mem cpu 2} ${goto 450}${top_mem mem 2}

${color5}${font Roboto:size=10}D R I V E S ${hr 2}${font}${color}
${color8}HD ${color} ${alignr}${color5}Used ${color}${fs_used /} ${color5}Total ${color}${fs_size /}
${color}${fs_bar 15,600}
${color6}I/O Read:${color} ${alignr}${offset -10}${diskio_read /dev/sda8}${alignr}${diskiograph_read /dev/sda8 15,300}
${color6}I/O Write:${color} ${alignr}${offset -10}${diskio_write /dev/sda8}${alignr}${diskiograph_write nvme0n1p2 15,300}

${color5}${color5}${font Roboto:size=10}N E T W O R K ${hr 2}${font}${color}
${color8}Internal IP: ${color} ${alignr}${offset -10$}${addrs enp2s0}
${color6}Eth Up:${color} ${alignr}${offset -10$}${upspeed enp2s0}${alignr}${upspeedgraph enp2s0 15,300}
${color6}Eth Down:${color} ${alignr}${offset -10$}${downspeed enp2s0}${alignr}${downspeedgraph enp2s0 15,300}


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To tell you this exactly, I’d have to get my other machine… currently it’s getting kinda late, here. So maybe some other time if you’d be kind enough to remind me.

Sure thing. Rest well. :zzz: