GLIBCXX_3.4.29 not found, Anaconda

I followed the instructions for anaconda here:

But it seems that now it’s messing with pacman, for example, I’m getting an error installing some packages from octopi as above with sayonara, which didn’t install at all, or like I noticed today, with protonvpn, which did install, but didn’t run.

echo $PATH
grep PATH ~/.* 2>/dev/null
/home/qq/.bashrc:        export PATH="/home/qq/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

Should I purge anaconda completely and install it from AUR?

This means you have set the Anaconda binaries to be used before system binaries, which is probably the wrong approach. Normally you’d use conda to create and use virtual environments rather than override things on a system-wide basis.

Remove that line from your .bashrc (along with any other places you have added Anaconda), log out and back in, then see if it works (it should).

Which other places I could have added Anaconda?

So I commented out the anaconda parts of .bashrc. But still can’t run protonvpn after reinstallation.

echo $PATH
grep PATH ~/.* 2>/dev/null
/home/qq/.bash_history:echo $PATH
/home/qq/.bash_history:grep PATH ~/.* 2>/dev/null
/home/qq/.bash_history:echo $PATH
/home/qq/.bash_history:grep PATH ~/.* 2>/dev/null
/home/qq/.bashrc:#         export PATH="/home/qq/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

Step 1, make sure you clean build the package.
Step 2, open a new thread with specific information about that (different) problem.

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Following my discussion here.
In short, I installed anaconda in such a way (following official guide) that it got into my PATH and I faced problems with installing and updating AUR packages.

I’ve removed anaconda now completely and looking for a way of installation that wouldn’t mess with pacman. Should I just install it in a different location? Should I say no to “Do you wish the installer to initialize Anaconda3 by running conda init?”?

echo $PATH
grep PATH ~/.* 2>/dev/null
/home/qq/.bash_history:echo $PATH
/home/qq/.bash_history:grep PATH ~/.* 2>/dev/null
/home/qq/.bash_history:echo $PATH
/home/qq/.bash_history:grep PATH ~/.* 2>/dev/null
/home/qq/.bash_history:echo $PATH
/home/qq/.bash_history:grep PATH ~/.* 2>/dev/null
/home/qq/.bash_history:grep PATH ~/.* 2>/dev/null
/home/qq/.bash_history:echo $PATH
/home/qq/.bash_history:grep PATH ~/.* 2>/dev/null
/home/qq/.bashrc:#         export PATH="/home/qq/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

Have you not tried the AUR package anaconda 2021.05-1
Edit: I don’t know what @jonathon thinks about that? :grinning:

/usr/local/bin is a good place to install software locally for getting it out of the way for your OS’ package manager.

I don’t understand the problem here.

In the original thread, the issue was caused by your overriding the $PATH variable rather than using the conda command. The correct way of using Anaconda is via conda.

The “official” installation method will install Anaconda into your home directory where it is isolated from the rest of the system. This is the “correct” way.

The issue that prompted me to suggest opening a new thread was

which is an entirely different issue to how to install and use Anaconda.

@moderators, could you please merge this thread back into the original, then OP can start a new thread about any non-functional AUR software.


How can I specify into a different directory?

In this particular case, I think you should go with @jonathon 's suggestion.

To be honest, I don’t have any experience with this software. What I said above was of a more general character.

However, I skimmed through the installation guide and at step 6 I could read:

The installer prompts you to click Enter to accept the default install location, CTRL-C to cancel the installation, or specify an alternate installation directory. If you accept the default install location, the installer displays “PREFIX=/home//anaconda<2 or 3>” and continues the installation. It may take a few minutes to complete.

So, it looks like you can specify another installation directory other than the default one. Again, not having any experience of having installed this piece of software, I wouldn’t know if it allows for installation outside of the home directory.

:warning: At any rate, you should do this at your own risk, or follow Jonathon’s advice to if you want to be sure that you are in good hands.

Whatever you choose, good lucK!

PS -if nothing else, my username should make your alarm bells ring :sweat_smile:

I don’t think that will help at all in this case. The default location is probably the right place. This issue has nothing to do with the location of the files as far as I can tell.

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But generally speaking, for installing software not using the system package manager, is that a good location? I have often seen /opt, and /usr/local/sbin as well being mentioned in such scenario.

In a single user install, I think inside your home directory is the best option.

/usr/local/bin is probably not the right place unless you are literally only installing binaries/scripts.

/opt is a better choice. Just be careful since a lot of AUR packages also install into /opt

Of course, it is your system so I suppose you can install software wherever you want. :wink:

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Great! Thank you for explaining that! Of course I am interested to know what best or more correct practice is for administrating a system. That’s why I ask.

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Would ~/local/share/yourfilenamehere work as well?

Anything in ~/.local should be pretty safe. However, logically speaking, ~/.local/share is an odd place to install most software but it should work fine.

I tend to think “Where would it be if a package installed it?”. If a package would have installed it in /usr/share then ~/.local/share makes sense.

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The idea was to remove Anaconda from the path to see if that fixed the other issues.

Essentially, the approach here is to take Anaconda out of the equation entirely and see if you have the same problem.

If that didn’t fix the other issues then Anaconda is not at fault.

If it did fix the issues than check what’s in the /home/qq/anaconda3/bin directory; it should be mainly conda but worth checking if there’s something else in there.

The other possibility is that the issue lay within

if it contained executables installed by conda, rather than conda itself.

I installed anaconda in my home directory and chose “no” for conda init.

Do you wish the installer to initialize Anaconda3
by running conda init? [yes|no]
[no] >>> no

You have chosen to not have conda modify your shell scripts at all.
To activate conda's base environment in your current shell session:

eval "$(/home/qq/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.YOUR_SHELL_NAME hook)" 

To install conda's shell functions for easier access, first activate, then:

conda init

If you'd prefer that conda's base environment not be activated on startup, 
   set the auto_activate_base parameter to false: 

conda config --set auto_activate_base false

So now I can initialize it manually via

eval "$(/home/qq/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)" 

And then run anaconda-navigator.

My echo $PATH in (base) is


This affects only the terminal where I initialized the base environment. In a separate terminal without (base) I have the default


Not sure if this is the proper way of doing it, but I hope things with AUR won’t be as messy now.