GLibC error after update - can't boot

I am not sure why lightdm is acting up on some systems as it did on my Cinnamon install as well recently.

Perhaps other forum members could help you out to troubleshoot that.

I just installed sddm and so far it has been working.

You could refer to

and see if you find anything that might help you resolve the issue.

I took the “lazy” way out and installed another display manager.

You could also have a look at ly which is a “TUI (ncurses-like) display manager for Linux and BSD. Supports X and Wayland sessions”.

more like install 2 DE’s +1 wm ( prob on same usr ) then remove DE’S ( removed more than think , that my guess) All part of linux learn curve :innocent:



yes it was on the same user. agreed, I definitely removed something I shouldn’t have then installed again using the package list but something got messed up

I would use ly in your case and remove lightdm altogether.
Then I would use the system for some time to see if it is stable and no other weird issues showing up.
If so, I would leave it at that. But this is all suggestions. You should consider your options and decide your next move.


The picture is from www but it will give you an idea how the login screen looks like with ly.

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got it working. many thanks for the help.

hopefully it will be stable for a while. i will do a fresh reinstall in a few months when back home with some spare time :slight_smile:

hopefully it holds up until then


I am glad you got it working!

Hope so!


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