Ghostty - A NEW Terminal Just Dropped

Ahaa. At least I don’t see much (any) difference now in terms of being more or less crisp.

Good to know - I’ll avoid!

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open question:

can I just use my Alacritty config file (opacity and size only)? All emulators speak the same program language, is that correct?

I downloaded Ghostyy now I want to play and/or replace. Thank you anyone.

EDIT: Alacritty does not have a config it has a .toml which I imagine is the same thing. OK here we go

guess I answered by own question:
size = 15.0

opacity = 0.85
startup_mode = "Maximized"
in the Alacritty .tml

this Alacritty .toml file info does not translate to Ghostty config file

NEW QUESTION: Brother can you spare a Ghostty Config File?

When I get home, will share mine, but will be in the morning.

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thanks, Im finding its a whole other language than Alacritty.
this is my config.
but it keeps rejecting the font size with an error. arrgh captain. all this is Ghostty language and typical of many:

font-family = "Liberation Mono"
window-decoration = false
background-opacity = 0.8
font-size = 16pt

Ghostty website says " Font size in points. This value can be a non-integer and the nearest integer pixel size will be selected. If you have a high dpi display where 1pt = 2px then you can get an odd numbered pixel size by specifying a half point.

For example, 13.5pt @ 2px/pt = 27px

Changing this configuration at runtime will only affect new terminals, i.e. new windows, tabs, etc. Note that you may still not see the change depending on your window-inherit-font-size setting."

warning(gtk): configuration error: /home/brent/.config/ghostty/config:4:font-size: invalid value "16pt"
warning(gtk): configuration error: cli:1:window-inherit-font-size: invalid field
warning(gtk): CLI errors detected, exiting
info(sentry): sentry envelope does not contain crash, discarding

but when I ghostty window-inherit-font-size query nothing i returned. Or is the ‘real’ or ‘master’ config file somewhere else? beer time now, head hurt.

font-size = 16

shell-integration-features = no-cursor
cursor-style = block
cursor-color = green

clipboard-trim-trailing-spaces = true

desktop-notifications = true

adw-toast = true

#toast-on-clipboard-copy = true

background-opacity = 0.8

background = 000022
selection-background = #ff00ff

#theme = Dracula
theme = VibrantInk
#theme = Ayu Mirage
#theme = Blue Matrix 
#theme = BlulocoDark

## /usr/share/ghostty/themes/Brogrammer
#theme = Brogrammer

#theme = AdventureTime
#theme = Blue Matrix
#theme = Dark Pastel
#theme = duckbones
#theme = heeler
#theme = shades-of-purple
#theme = Wombat

window-decoration = false
#window-colorspace = "display-p3"
minimum-contrast = 3

mouse-shift-capture = true

## Keybinds
keybind = performable:ctrl+c=copy_to_clipboard
keybind = ctrl+v=paste_from_clipboard
keybind = ctrl+shift+c=text:\x03
## No longer needed:
#keybind = ctrl+physical:c=copy_to_clipboard
#keybind = ctrl+d=copy_to_clipboard

#command = tmux